Estos 10 tatuajes de habitantes de Houston muestran su amor puro por todo Texas

Desde Space City Houston, hasta la bandera del estado de Texas, hasta la temporada de bluebonnet, los habitantes de Houston adoran sus tatuajes.

Les pedimos a nuestros seguidores de KPRC 2 en Facebook que mostraran sus tatuajes al estilo de Texas. Algunos de nuestros seguidores compartieron su historia detrás del significado de sus diseños únicos.

El seguidor de Facebook Daniel Bentacurt agradeció a Special D Ink en Rosenberg por hacer este diseño de tatuaje. Él dice que las ganancias se destinaron al alivio del huracán Harvey.

Consuelo Navarro muestra su tinta. Es una orgullosa corredora de media maratón que admira las flores silvestres de Texas.

Héctor Dávila se llama a sí mismo un "orgulloso tejano". Su tatuaje también fue hacia el alivio de Harvey.

Derrick Hodge se hizo un tatuaje en Texas en enero. Este fue su primer diseño.

Brian Stewart dedicó su tinta a su hija. Su fecha de nacimiento y el significado de Houston se muestran en su diseño.

El tatuaje de John Cavuoti II se hizo mientras donaba para el alivio del huracán Harvey. ¡Camino a seguir!

Christina Cripe donó al Harvey Relief Fund para hacerse un tatuaje especial con el tema de Houston.

¡Kenny Sharpless hizo una manga de Texas para mostrar de dónde vino!

La flor del estado de Texas es el bluebonnet. Zahra Metzgar mostró un tatuaje especial de flores silvestres de bluebonnet.

Jason Keesler presenta su tatuaje de Texas con la bandera de Texas, bluebonnets y serpientes de cascabel.

¿Tienes un tatuaje de Texas que te gustaría compartir? ¡Cuéntanos en los comentarios a continuación!

Copyright 2020 por KPRC Click2Houston – Todos los derechos reservados.

publicado por Daniel Bentancur en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Consuelo Navarro en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Hector davila en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Derrick Hodge en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Brian Stewart en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Juan Cavuoti II en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Christina Cripe en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Kenny Sharpless en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Zahra Metzgar en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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publicado por Jason Keesler en Viernes 27 de marzo de 2020

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until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 13.2 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.2 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.8 feet by Monday evening.n Additional rises may be possible thereafter.nnnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Moss Bluff 12.2 13.2 Fri 08 AM 13.4 13.6 13.7 13.8n n&& n nLAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Chambers","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Chambers County","Id":"9114149463-48071","Source":"VTEC"}),"Houston":({"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","H eadline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC001-073-225-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/NCST2.1.ER.200322T0422Z.200325T1015Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 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Additional rises are possible thereafter.n* Impact...At 14.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and n equipment to higher ground away from the river.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544n 3188 9548nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9149038574-48225","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 PM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn...The Flood Warning remains in effect...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until further notice.n* At 7:15 PM CDT Friday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in th e 24 hours ending n at 7:15 PM CDT Friday was 12.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 12.6 feet n tomorrow evening.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9149038527-48225","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC001-073-225-455-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/ATOT2.1.ER.200322T1945Z.200330T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 PM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn...The Flood Warning remains in effect...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Alto.n* Until further notice.n* At 7:15 PM CDT Friday the stage was 16.7 feet.n* Flood stage is 16.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 PM CD T Friday was 16.7 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 16.9 feet n early Sunday afternoon.n* Impact...At 16.0 feet, Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river n will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment n near the river to higher ground.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3167 9524 3152 9504 3138 9492 3133 9500n 3166 9537nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9149038483-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Liberty":({"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC291-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/LBYT2.2.ER.200331T0530Z.200407T1800Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Libertyn* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0915 AM Friday the stage was 27.3 feet.n* Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 26.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 27. 7 feet by Tuesday early n afternoon then begin falling.n* At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlyingn communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cutn off if not evacuated.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Liberty 26.0 27.3 Fri 09 AM 27.5 27.6 27.6 27.6n n&& n nLAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9114149459-48291","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC071-291-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/MBFT2.1.ER.20033 1T2045Z.200407T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River near Moss Bluffn* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 13.2 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.2 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 13.8 feet by Monday evening.n Additional rises may be possible thereafter.nnnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Moss Bluff 12.2 13.2 Fri 08 AM 13.4 13.6 13.7 13.8n n&& n nLAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9114149463-48291","Source":"VTEC"}),"Polk":({"CountyFips":"48373", "StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 135.7 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will slowly fall early today but may see that fall slow down,n or even see rises again with more rainfall expected.n* At 136.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage. n The lowest homes in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision are flooded and Thomas n Lake Road is inundated and impassable. Low roads in the Deep River Plantation n Subdivision are inundated. The lowest roads into properties off FM 980 n northwest of Riverside are inundated and the lowest buildings are threatened.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 135.7 Fri 08 AM 135.6 135.5 135.3 135.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9114149456-48373","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 PM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn...The Flood Warning remain s in effect...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until further notice.n* At 7:15 PM CDT Friday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 PM CDT Friday was 12.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 12.6 feet n tomorrow evening.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9149038527-48373","Source":"VTEC"}),"San Jacinto":({"CountyFips":"48407","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 135.7 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will slowly fall early today but may see that fall slow down, n or even see rises again with more rainfall expected.n* At 136.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage. n The lowest homes in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision are flooded and Thomas n Lake Road is inundated and impassable. Low roads in the Deep River Plantation n Subdivision are inundated. The lowest roads into properties off FM 980 n northwest of Riverside are inundated and the lowest buildings are threatened.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 135.7 Fri 08 AM 135.6 135.5 135.3 135.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"San Jacinto","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"San Jacinto County","Id":"9114149456-48407","Source":"VTEC"}),"Trinity":({"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 135.7 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will slowly fall early today but may see that fall slow down,n or even see rises again with more rainfall expected.n* At 136.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage. n The lowest homes in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision are flooded and Thomas n Lake Road is inundated and impassable. Low roads in the Deep River Plantation n Subdivision are inundated. The lowest roads into properties off FM 980 n northwest of Riverside are inundated and the lowest buildings are threatened.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 135.7 Fri 08 AM 135.6 135.5 135.3 135.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9114149456-48455","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 PM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn...The Flood Warning remains in effect...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until further notice.n* At 7:15 PM CDT Friday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 PM CDT Friday was 12.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 12.6 feet n tomorrow evening.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9149038527-48455","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:04:01:21:00","EndTime":"20:04:07:01:21:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC001-073-225-455-041330-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0063.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/ATOT2.1.ER.200322T1945Z.200330T1615Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n821 PM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn...The Flood Warning remains in effect...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Alto.n* Until further notice.n* At 7:15 PM CDT Friday the stage was 16.7 feet.n* Flood stage is 16.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 PM CD T Friday was 16.7 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 16.9 feet n early Sunday afternoon.n* Impact...At 16.0 feet, Boat ramps and picnic areas near the river n will begin to flood. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment n near the river to higher ground.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3167 9524 3152 9504 3138 9492 3133 9500n 3166 9537nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9149038483-48455","Source":"VTEC"}),"Walker":({"CountyFips":"48471","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:03:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:06:14:39:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-041438-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Fri Apr 3 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Friday the stage was 135.7 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will slowly fall early today but may see that fall slow down,n or even see rises again with more rainfall expected.n* At 136.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage. n The lowest homes in the Green Rich Shores Subdivision are flooded and Thomas n Lake Road is inundated and impassable. Low roads in the Deep River Plantation n Subdivision are inundated. The lowest roads into properties off FM 980 n northwest of Riverside are inundated and the lowest buildings are threatened.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sat Sun Mon TuennTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 135.7 Fri 08 AM 135.6 135.5 135.3 135.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Walker","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Walker County","Id":"9114149456-48471","Source":"VTEC"})},"text":"Weather Alert: 13 warnings in effect for 7 counties in the area","time":1585965178.4673338,"_id":"c105eb80140c2d941d5fddf5cb6391a28f1891528858205047118a873b8f664c"},"expires":1585965535626,"lastModified":1585965179000}},"0PB_ContentStoryCard":{"{"from":0,"galleries":false,"section":"News/local","size":4,"stories":true,"videos": 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