Moody’s rebajó la calificación crediticia de New York Community Bancorp a basura

Moody’s rebajó la calificación crediticia de New York Community Bancorp a basura

El martes por la noche, Moody’s Investors Services rebajó la calificación crediticia de New York Community Bancorp en dos niveles a “basura”. NYCB enfrenta “desafíos financieros, de gestión de riesgos y de gobernanza”, dijo Moody’s,…

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Envíenos sus capturas de pantalla para celebrar un año de Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Community

Heaven32 Se acerca un año desde que Nintendo lanzó Animal Crossing: New Horizons en Switch. Sí, han pasado casi 365 días desde que muchos de nosotros tomamos ese primer vuelo a la isla desierta de…

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Barack Obama delivers message of community, hope — he also lobs thinly-veiled jab at President Trump

“ ‘Doing what feels good — what’s convenient, what’s easy — that’s how little kids think. Unfortunately a lot of so-called grownups — including some with fancy titles and important jobs — still think that…

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How members of the gaming community in Romania and Singapore helped lay the foundation for robust high-speed broadband networks in those countries (Alexis Ong/Wired)

Alexis Ong / Wired: How members of the gaming community in Romania and Singapore helped lay the foundation for robust high-speed broadband networks in those countries  —  Romania and Singapore don’t seem to have much…

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