Download State of Survival: Zombie War APK

Download State of Survival: Zombie War APK

Download Free State of Survival: Zombie War – Android APK APP

Survival Mode: Zombie War

JOKER Joins Survival Mode!
A new visitor will be welcomed into the Program. Will his coming be a miracle, good or bad? Find out more at the event!
Unlock the Joker, fight the funny Zombies, and hear the Joker inspired story in the State of Survival!
Six months have passed since the zombie apocalypse began. The virus has invaded the city. Six months of fear, horror, survival, and fighting Zombies. You are a survivor and your friends are in a brave battle against monsters. Build a city that survives the endless waves of Zombies. Welcome to the State of Survival. Ready for a survival strategy game!

The zombie infestation has torn apart the whole world and taken over all civilization as well. Now is the time for survival, as surviving soldiers and governments have gone underground. The world belongs to those who are infected now. Time to build a city with a survival strategy for Zombies and monsters. The disease is growing fast, and people need a hero! They need a survivor, because the goal is the only survival!
In this adventure, you can make friends or fight with other survivors. Shoot Zombies with your sniper rifle in fps mode. Death is coming and the battlefield is just for heroes, so build an army!
Do whatever you can to survive this terrible war. It will not be easy to win the war. The virus is everywhere and you have a battle against a zombie army in your hands! Resources are scarce and you have to save what you can from a public corpse. Build a new city, team, and strategy to survive in this MMORPG. Become a zombie hunter! Time to survive.

It’s a new world there. A new multiplayer survival shooting game! Create a plan and create your own story. You can plant a bomb or shoot the Zombies in this survival survival game! Collect gold, coins, and anything else you need to survive this destructive time. Shooting is not always an option, you have to build a PVP army! Identify Zombies, eliminate fear, and survive the battle! This game is completely different from other war games.

If you are not a soldier, build your own base to build a safe haven for your survivors and the foundation of your post-apocalyptic zombie world. It’s time to dump her and move on. Fight against the virus of the walking dead! It’s time to fight and you need to fight back! Survive if you can!

In this survival game, you get to save the survivors of the battle to increase your numbers and power against each infected zombie. Find those with special abilities, as they will be the heroes of the battle of the disease! Shooting time!

Zombie army disease is changing rapidly. As a survivor you need to learn anything you can understand and build your strategy before the Zombies attack. Anyone who can control the infection controls the world! There is a war there and it is about survival! Stop the apocalypse!

There is power in numbers. Create alliances and build strategic alliances to survive the horrors of the infected wilderness in this survival survival game. Join forces to crush anyone who tries to take advantage of you in battle and get ready for battle against Zombies and apocalypse. Your survival is at stake!

Download Rulebook
It’s Personal 2.0. Rewrite the rules of how you want mankind to survive and defeat the invading army. This survival strategy is compared to the Zombies shooting game and no soldiers can rescue you. It is completely different from other war games.

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What’s new

“▼ Hero Training Center
You can reset the level of any Hero and get War Guidelines back to the Hero Training area.
Availability: Region # 1-266
The Hero Training Area will be available in most countries as Hero Precinct reaches the highest Plasma level. “

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April 14, 2022


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Rated 12+
Medium Violence
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