Cashfusion usage grew 328%, $ 200 million in BCH merger and nearly 20,000 mergers

Cashfusion, the Bitcoin Cash network privacy enhancement solution, is approaching its first anniversary and over the past four months mergers have increased by 328.93%. The protocol recently completed a security audit and mergers are approaching 20k with nearly $ 200 million in bitcoin cash merged to date.

he November 28, 2020, he Cashfusion protocol for bitcoin

Cash (BCH) The network will celebrate a milestone of one year of operation so far. At the time of publication, the statistics of the web portal

show that processed approximately 19,658 mergers since last November.

Four months ago, reported that the protocol exceeded the $ 9 million in BCH mergers and 4,583 mergers. Current data shows that the Cashfusion usage increased by 328.93% since this report.

Cashfusion usage increased 328%, $ 200 million in BCH merger and nearly 20,000 mergers

he increased use of Cashfusion increased long after the protocol perform a security audit of Kudelski Security. Along with this, the Participation in Cashfusion also increased as fusion levels increased from 0.82 BCH hasta 8.2 BCH. Expansion allows merge 10 times more bitcoin money. In addition, there was 791,310 BCH merged to date and using the current exchange rate equivalent to $ 193 million in bitcoin cash.

The Defenders of Bitcoin CaseI am big fans of Cashfusion protocolbecause they believe the software is more advanced than the traditional coinjoin. For example, data analyst James Waugh tested Cashfusion with thousands of transactions and found that merging is much more convenient than other coinjoin methods.

Waugh examined a series of entries and exits of transactions and found that “it is not possible to make a specific connection” between them.

Indeed, the developers of Cashfusion have chosen to remove the requirement of the same amount that is traditionally found on coinjoin entries and exits. in one published an article Called “Combinatorial Mathematical Analysis in Cashfusion,” Electron Cash developer Jonald Fyookball explains the process in detail.

When James Waugh tested the claims of combinatorial anonymity and said that “it is impossible to determine the true way the inputs and outputs are actually related (because there are multiple possible combinations of ways to balance the inputs and outputs). outputs)”.

In addition to Cashfusion action on the rise, BCH supporters are also capitalizing on protocolo Cashshuffle. Cashshuffle launched in March 2019 and also carried out a security audit of Kudelski Security.

What do you think of the milestones of the Cashfusion protocol after one year? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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