Your monthly Gemini horoscope for July 2020

In the early hours of July 5 (12:44 EST), the sky will be activated by the final eclipse on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This series of eclipses started in July 2018 (by context: Meghan Markle had only she married Prince Harry) and the world was one very different place. A lot has changed in a relatively short time, and during this powerful cosmic end, it’s time to think about how you have that change.

How have your values ​​changed, love of Gemini? In what ways have your priorities evolved?

During this monumental lunation, give yourself permission to accept personal transformation. Remember that growing pains are real and the makeover is not always beautiful, but know that in the end, personal progress is a beautiful thing.

However! There has been an unpleasant and insignificant downside that could hinder your radical personal growth. You know what I’m talking about, Gemini: Mercury retrograde! The communication planet (and its planetary rule) has been sailing upside down since June 18, making everything … well, really boring. Basically, these are communication, transportation and technology issues without interruption. Fortunately, after three weeks of disaster, this fast-moving planet finally resumes its activities on July 12.

. You can officially wipe that sweat off your forehead, Gemini. This is very good news.

And, with the eclipse and the retrograde seasons of Mercury in the past, it will be fully present for the beautiful new moon in cancer on July 20. It’s him first Regular (as in, not hidden) since May (!!!), so for you, you will feel soothing, rejuvenating and inspiring. You finally think clearly, which means it’s a great time to manifest abundance. Under this moon, think of ways to create new financial opportunities. Whether you’re starting an online business or starting strange jobs, you’ll be inspired by new beginnings. Even if you just fill your pockets with a few extra dollars, that monetary boost will empower you.

On July 22, the Sun sails on the Burning Lion, setting off a new astrological season. Over the next few weeks, the bright star will shine in your area of ​​connection with friends, family and the local community. Excited? You should be! This is your favorite environment! Even if your locks are pandemic proof, fill your calendar with lots of Zoom dates, phone calls and socially distant picnics. It will do you good to reconnect with the 300 of your closest peers, so go ahead and contact us! You may need to take the first step, but that’s fine. Not all are social butterflies like you, Gemini! Don’t be afraid to show them how you are hovering.

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