Categories: Lifestyle

Malaysian minimalist jewelry brand

Author’s announcement: My favorite piece of jewelry is the most simplistic. No need for colorful, large or noisy rooms; Just something small, simple, and minimal that I can add to my outfit. These are the ones that hold my attention the most.

JW thinks anyone can look like Disney Princess Cinderella, a girl born from minimal simplicity who became a princess with a humble pair of crystal slippers.

Likewise, he believes that jewelry can do the same by showcasing each woman’s natural characteristics through a little statement.

This is what he called his company, Cindertoella.

Inspired by his travels

As a former flight attendant, JW has always been inspired by jewelry that is unique to each city and stands out.

She quit the job that took her to travel the world and spent all her savings on this jewelry business, which only started turning a profit a year later.

Fortunately, you can cut costs because your business partner is a graphic designer and a brand consultant.

Cindertoella’s women’s team / Photo credit: Cindertoella

However, the handmade jewelry market in Malaysia is already dense, and many other established brands also sell stylish pieces at affordable prices.

JW himself does not deny this, but said: “It is true that the jewelry industry in Malaysia is saturated, but the world is my oyster!”

Understanding that most other jewelry brands are a mix of styles, Cindertoella wants to stand out by creating minimalist yet meaningful pieces without a lot of shiny materials.

“We just believe that everyone is born with great features that just need a soft touch to amplify themselves,” JW said.

It’s also a little gem that showcases your own sense of style and showcases an outfit.

This is the conviction of the brand. JW hopes that if they stay true to this, they can resonate with like-minded people.

Many pieces are also inspired by his travels. For example, the Silver925 collections are pieces that you discovered on a trip to northern Thailand, a city where silver is wonderfully transformed.

His pieces are inspired by his travels / Image credit: Cindertoella

Another example is My World and Your World, two necklaces with a balloon pendant. JW even named some rooms after people he met in different countries.

At present, the price of their parts ranges from RM18 to RM289.

From employee to entrepreneur

Although she shares a passion for aviation and jewelry making, making the transition from employee to entrepreneur has not been easy.

“Motivating myself on a daily basis is a challenge because there are many setbacks, like the lack of resources, skills and knowledge, which can easily affect my motivation,” he said.

She also admitted that she doesn’t have the best jewelry making skills yet, so she takes classes to learn the craft and the latest techniques to keep up with market trends.

Cindertoella pieces are also selected and checked by expert jewelers before being packaged and sold to customers.

She also learns on the job / Photo credit: Cindertoella

However, what drives her to improve her jewelry skills is passion.

This made them stop stealing to run the business in the first place.

“When I started getting compliments from customers about the quality and uniqueness of my products, I was really proud of my job,” she said.

Some local artists wore their pieces as well, which was worth every hurdle.

On average, JW can sell at least 200 Cindertoella jewelry each month.

Currently, the team plans to gradually expand Cindertoella to the international environment and has already started shipping worldwide.

They hope to bring more unique pieces from all over the world and build bridges between different cultures through jewelry.

To do this, JW said the brand will need more brand awareness, more followers and quality recommendations from KOLs on social media.

Conclusion: Her pieces are genuinely attractive and simple enough to suit everyone, regardless of style. It’s also great to see the different pieces and prices that the brand offers to customers of different tastes and social classes.

  • You can find more information about Cindertoella here.
  • You can read about other Malaysian startups we’ve written about here.

Source of featured image: JW, founder of Cindertoella

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