What to do next when you have an idea for a mobile app? [6 Tips]

What to do when you have a great idea for an app

“I have a great idea for an application. What should I do next? If you ask the same question, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you will find useful tips on how to develop an app from an idea and ensure its success.

Having a good idea is an important part of a profitable application. However, in real life this is not enough. To prevent your expectations from blurring, we present solutions to potential problems and explain the most important steps to building a mobile app from an idea. In addition, we provide a marketing model to develop a popular and profitable application.

We will start!

What to do with an app idea 6 tips for success

Main steps to go from an idea to an application

Formulate your concept

The first and most important thing is to define the wording of your application concept. Everything you have now is just imaginary. Now you need to make the project more practical. Pay attention to the following points:

What is the mechanism of my application? What user problems will it solve?

Determine how your application works and its brief description. For example, Facebook enables communication between people; With VSCO, you can edit your photos.

How will my application be designed?

We’re not talking about full wording at this time. It is enough to highlight only the most important features / elements.

Am I convinced of the effectiveness of my application? Make sure you meet the requirements of potential users. Find out why they might need an app like yours.

Providing detailed answers to these questions can help you create a good plan for your product development. If you don’t want to develop your app yourself, you can get help from a custom mobile development services company.

Market research

Even if you are 100% sure that you have an idea for an app that will revolutionize the market, don’t skip this step. In reality, things may not be so bright. Think of your app idea as a major business project. Remember that the field of mobile development is very competitive. There may be hundreds of them.

What to do next when you have an idea for a mobile app? [6 Tips] 1

Select the primary goal of your app. This is necessary to create the features and build the strengths of your app that will convince users to choose your features over others.

  • Define your target users. The next step is to define the age and interests of the target users who will install your app. Without knowing who will be using your application, it is difficult to start the development phase.
  • Analyze the competitors. Gather information about your potential competitors. There are over 4.5 million apps on the market. Of course, you don’t have to look at all of them, just some of the top apps in your field. Identify your weaknesses and come up with unique solutions.
  • Develop a marketing strategy. Find out how you can outperform your existing competition. You need a unique selling proposition to excite your target audience. Also, at this point, you need to define monetization strategies and base your advertising on them.
  • Increase functions. Highlighting features is important, but considering overall functionality is also essential. Select the possible features of your app and see if your competition has them. Quality is better than quantity. It is more advantageous to have fewer but more efficient functions.

All of the data you have collected at this time is needed to subsequently apply based on an idea.

Make a prototype

After extensive market research, a prototype of your future application should be created. You can use the help of a development team. There are 3 types of prototypes.

  • Conceptually. In short, this is a schematic for future use. This can be an instant solution to most convenience issues.
  • Interactive. This type requires full visualization. It is necessary to mimic simple processes such as logging in and running user acceptance tests on parts of the script. Clarify how the UI works for the development company to make sure you get what you expect.
  • Lively. This is the first level prototype that can be used to simulate the functionality of the application. At this point, you are modeling how the real user will interact with your app. It allows you to solve any problem and develop more successful application. Don’t skip this point, especially if you are a startup. Better to invest the money now if you want a high quality product in the end.

Estimate expenses

There is no single price for the development of mobile applications. The more complex your application, the more expensive the development services. Check prices from trusted and experienced companies and ask for the exact time it will take to build your app. Then choose the cheapest prices for your project. Remember, things won’t be as easy as you might imagine. Develop a backup plan and set aside some money for additional costs. There are various costs such as B. Marketing, promotion, testing, etc. You need to know exactly how much it will cost you to avoid running out of resources unexpectedly. One way is to ask investors for help. It takes a clear business plan, a great brand reputation, and even prototypes to get their attention. Support from investors speeds up the process, which is essential to outperform the competition. In a competitive environment like application development, it is important to stay in a leadership position.

Create an MVP

The next thing to do with your app idea is to create an MVP (Valuable Product Model). MVP contains only the main functionality of the application. This model is relatively inexpensive compared to the full version. Its advantages include:

  • Saving time and resources in the development of the final product;
  • Test the correspondence of the project with the requirements of potential users;
  • Acquisition of the target user base;
  • Attract investors earlier.

By catching the attention of investors, you will gain the opportunity and resources to complete the full development cycle.

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What to do next when you have an idea for a mobile app? [6 Tips] 2

Branding and marketing must begin before the final version is ready. Choose the most suitable channels for your marketing campaigns. Creating profiles on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook is a must these days. A user-friendly website is also needed. Encourage new users to provide feedback by offering bonuses. Remember, no one has a bug-free application right away. You need to be careful and use analytics tools to get even more valuable user experience data. Never stop improving your app to make it even better and more convenient.
At the end of the line

If you have an idea for an app and want to make it happen, you should keep in mind that this is a complicated process. Be prepared to face many unexpected challenges and situations. However, if you persevere and take the process seriously, you will launch a fantastic app that many users love. We hope this article sheds light on this difficult process.


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