
The Great Lakes are higher than ever and we don't know what will happen next.

A storm in Lake Michigan is not the same thing as a storm in the ocean: there are different atmospheric…

4 years ago

We have the tools to contain the wrong information from COVID-19, we just don't use it

During the H1N1 pandemic from 2009 to 2010, the federal government was praised for the steps it took to deal…

4 years ago

14 famous actors I don't know work with their children

Can you honestly work with your parents? 1] Jerry and Ben Stiller. Paramount Pictures Jerry and Ben Stiller are legendary…

4 years ago

We still don't know how male and female dinosaurs differ, study finds

The idea that the woman Tyranosaurus Rex they are stronger than males may have no basis in reality. This hypothesis…

4 years ago

Premier League players don't want to be guinea pigs, says PFA boss

Premier League players don't want to be seen as guinea pigs in the project's restart plan, said Gordon Taylor, chief…

4 years ago

Don't expect a TMAX ADV scooter anytime soon

Coca-Cola against Pepsi. Ford against Ferrari. Apple versus Microsoft. History is full of great confrontations between the titanic brands. INorth…

4 years ago

PrEP can prevent HIV infection in adolescents, so why don't they use it?

Access to PrEP and the stigma around it have created significant barriers for almost all groups in need of drugs,…

4 years ago

Don't throw away those loyalty dollars and the money you've earned. You may still be able to use them

HOUSTON - Have you received expired money or store rewards on a receipt or in your inbox that you have…

4 years ago