
Congress could withdraw the Chinese lists from the American stock exchanges. United States, but it won’t happen overnight

The bill was passed unanimously by the United States Senate. United States And entered the news cycle as if it…

4 years ago

These 5 things must happen for professional sports to return

More than two months have passed since the last professional sporting event in the United States. But the time for…

4 years ago

Gold prices could go up if these two things happen with the economy and market timers

Why did the federal government's extraordinary fiscal and monetary stimulus not lead to higher inflation and an increase in gold?…

4 years ago

Make things happen | New Europe

Almost a month ago, due to the growing COVID-19 crisis in the EU, member states began to take decisions to…

4 years ago

King of Jordan warns "mass conflict" will happen if Israel settles in West Bank

With Washington's support, Israel plans to move forward on controversial plans to annex a large swath of the West Bank,…

4 years ago

The Great Lakes are higher than ever and we don't know what will happen next.

A storm in Lake Michigan is not the same thing as a storm in the ocean: there are different atmospheric…

4 years ago

The NFL and the coronavirus: Dr. Anthony Fauci outlines what needs to happen for the 2020 season to go on schedule

The launch of the NFL schedule last week was a sign of the league's optimism regarding the viability of the…

4 years ago