Gift ideas for girlfriend turning 18?

Hi there!

Like the title says, I’m trying to come up with some ideas for my girlfriends 18th! I really have no idea what to get her. Below I’ve listed a few things that might help in coming up with ideas. Thanks!

Her and I are both premed college students taking pretty huge and time intensive course loads so I don’t know of there are some good gift ideas that might somehow involve that?

She loves kids and wants to become a pediatrician

Her favorite flowers are sunflowers

She loves chicken. When we grab fast food together, 9/10 she orders chicken strips

Our first date was at a drive in movie and we still talk about it all the time

We both love those Bang energy drinks

She badly needs a new laptop but I don’t currently have the cash available to buy her a new one due to COVID taking my job and having cash tied up in another project

Next year, her and I are going to different universities to finish undergrad but we’ve made plans to move back together after this last year

I’d appreciate any and all help. Thanks again!
