Desde cerámica hasta patinaje, aquí hay 5 actividades bajo techo que puedes hacer en un día lluvioso en Katy

KATY – No dejes que un día lluvioso arruine tu día. El hecho de que haya algunas gotas no significa que no pueda divertirse en interiores. Aunque hay muchos lugares para visitar y cosas que hacer en Katy, compilamos una lista de algunas actividades que puede realizar sin necesidad de un paraguas.

Mason Road Skate Center

¿Recuerdas los buenos días del patinaje bajo techo? En 2020, puedes viajar en el tiempo en Mason Road Skate Center. Operado por la familia desde 1987, Mason Road Skate Center es un lugar divertido para llevar a toda la familia. Ofrecen patinaje público varios días a lo largo de la semana y ofrecen excelentes ofertas especiales, como $ 2 los martes. Si no sabes patinar, no te preocupes. Ofrecen clases de skate para todas las edades y todos los niveles de habilidad.

535 Applewhite Dr.

Katy, Texas 77450

(281) 392-9555

Sitio web:

En Facebook: Mason Road Skate Center

Realidad Alterna

Pon a prueba tus conocimientos y habilidades cerebrales en la principal sala de escape de Katy, Realidad alternativa. Esta instalación de 4,000 pies cuadrados ofrece cuatro experiencias diferentes y tiene capacidad para hasta ocho jugadores en cada habitación. La sala de escape ofrece a los jugadores una experiencia de juego totalmente inmersiva y de la vida real, y lo desafía a través de acertijos y acertijos. Sin embargo, no traiga a los niños pequeños aquí, el sitio web recomienda que los jugadores tengan 8 años o más.

21788 Katy Freeway, Suite 300

Katy, Texas 77449

(281) 394-7848

Sitio web: Escape de realidad alternativa

En Facebook: Escape de realidad alternativa

Paleta Pinot

Toma tus pinceles y tu bebida, este lugar es ideal para cualquier noche de dama, noche de cita o cualquier noche social. En Pinot’s Palette, ofrecen una variedad de eventos durante todo el mes, que incluyen pintura guiada, estudios abiertos, cursos para niños y clases de fabricación de coronas. Dan la bienvenida a la comida exterior y la mejor parte, ¡es BYOB!

25920 Westheimer Parkway, Suite 100

Katy, TX 77494

(281) 994-9136

Sitio web:

En Facebook: Pinots Palette Katy

Time Square Entertainment

Prepárate para divertirte. En Time Square Entertainment, encontrará una variedad de atracciones que incluyen bolos, un estadio de realidad virtual, laser tag, una sala de juegos, una piscina y una parrilla deportiva. Propiedad familiar desde 2005, este campo está comprometido a servir a la comunidad y sabe cómo entretener a toda la familia. No estoy seguro de cuándo asistir, diríjase a su sitio web para ofertas especiales durante toda la semana. ¿Quién dice que los adultos no pueden divertirse?

Sitio web:

En Facebook: Times Square Entertainment

402 Grand Parkway S. Suite 110, Katy, TX

Cerámica de Tess

Prepárese para resaltar su momento interno de "Fantasma" en Ceramics By Tess. En este estudio de cerámica ofrecen una variedad de bizcochos para su placer de pintar, jugar con arcilla y fusión de vidrio cálido. No se preocupe si las clases se llenan porque pueden acomodar hasta 140 personas a la vez. Visite en cualquier momento de martes a domingo, las visitas sin cita son siempre bienvenidas.

402 West Grand Pkwy S # 115

Katy, TX 77494


Sitio web:

En Facebook: CerámicaByTess

Cuando todos tus amigos se divierten y estás atrapado en casa

Copyright 2020 por KPRC Click2Houston – Todos los derechos reservados.

publicado por Mason Road Skate Center en Lunes 29 de abril de 2019

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publicado por Salas de escape de realidad alternativa en Lunes 13 de enero de 2020

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publicado por La paleta de Pinot en Domingo 12 de enero de 2020

"," url ":" "," ancho ": 552}," subtipo ":" facebook-post ", "type": "oembed_response"}, {"_ id": "V7R7BHUSONGPRLB2W5RFSYL4OI", "content": "Toma tus pinceles y tu bebida, este lugar es ideal para cualquier noche de Lady, noche de cita o cualquier noche social. En Pinot’s Palette, ofrecen una variedad de eventos durante todo el mes, que incluyen pintura guiada, estudios abiertos, cursos para niños y clases de fabricación de coronas. Son bienvenidos fuera de la comida y la mejor parte, es BYOB! "," Type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" ZHENSXXQN5GD3BPXH7G5LL23AA "," content ":" 25920 Westheimer Parkway, Suite 100 "," type ":" texto "}, {" _ id ":" QODDQRXRO5DYFD4YMHDXGGYCUQ "," contenido ":" Katy, TX 77494 "," tipo ":" texto "}, {" _ id ":" 6V7BK36RPFE4JNXGKGLCMQP764 "," contenido ":" (28) "(28) 994-9136 "," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" OIDAPMNA3RHINFMYZ53YPULKMM "," content ":" Sitio web:"," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" KK3RCKGKJZDBNFZBJ7SQTCUDF4 "," content ":" En Facebook: Pinots Palette Katy "," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" OQTZO3LU6NH65FOLEGT72BFU6M "," content ":" For the Thrill Seekers "," level ": 1," type ":" header "}, {" _ id " : "WIPZPMMWHBGH7L5SOZRUGFO2DM", "contenido": "Time Square Entertainment"," nivel ": 3," tipo ":" encabezado "}, {" _id ":" PXMLBU46BZGZRAC3YGJBRN2HQM "," raw_oembed ": {" _id ":" "," height ": null," html ":"

norte"," width ": 658}," subtipo ":" instagram "," type ":" oembed_response "}, {" _ id ":" XIHXRIB7TRCQTKK5B2QJ3SUFKM "," content ":" Prepárese para divertirse. En Time Square Entertainment, encontrará una variedad de atracciones que incluyen bolos, un estadio de realidad virtual, laser tag, una sala de juegos, una piscina y una parrilla deportiva. Propiedad familiar desde 2005, este campo está comprometido a servir a la comunidad y sabe cómo entretener a toda la familia. No estoy seguro de cuándo asistir, diríjase a su sitio web para ofertas especiales durante toda la semana. ¿Quién dice que los adultos no pueden divertirse? "," Type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" WKKR6ZDSSRFUNIP7KKL4X5VVAA "," content ":" Website:"," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" P6IHICNK4RHOTLVSGLVFJGTBOM "," content ":" En Facebook: Times Square Entertainment"," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" B3YECKEESVEBJAYLNWFSYOYI4I "," content ":" 402 Grand Parkway S. Suite 110, Katy, TX "," type ":" text "}, {" _ id ":" S4H6DAZFBVEXLDI4PSNZL2YMOM "," content ":" For the Hands-On "," level ": 1," type ":" header "}, {" _ id ":" NGNZ63THMRF7PPZEPTPCERPYLQ "," content ":"Cerámica de Tess"," nivel ": 3," tipo ":" encabezado "}, {" _id ":" U7WJNCSYAJE75CB7B4QGD7FO3I "," raw_oembed ": {" _id ":" a.424121967714538 / 2321228811337168 /? type = 3 & theater "," height ": null," html ":"


Uno de nuestros instructores de cerámica regresa este fin de semana para enseñar. Espacios aún disponibles. Visite nuestra página web, ...

publicado por Cerámica de Tess en Miércoles 4 de septiembre de 2019

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WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Austin","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Austin County","Id":"43021972509663-48015"," Source":"VTEC"}),"Brazoria":({"CountyFips":"48039","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas. nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Coastal Brazoria","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazoria County","Id":"43021972509961-48039","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48039","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madi sonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicN ame":"Brazoria","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazoria County","Id":"43021972509663-48039","Source":"VTEC"}),"Brazos":({"CountyFips":"48041","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Brazos","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazos County","Id":"43021972509663-48041","Source":"VTEC"}),"Burleson":({"CountyFips":"48051","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-22 7-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and sout heast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Burleson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Burleson County","Id":"43021972509663-48051","Source":"VTEC"}),"Chambers":({"CountyFips":"48071","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsvil le, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Chambers","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Chambers County","Id":"43021972509961-48071","Source":"VTEC"}),"Colorado":({"CountyFips":"48089","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTi me":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...n n* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Colorado","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Colorado County","Id":"43021972509663-48089","Source":"VTEC"}),"Fort Bend":({"CountyFips":"48157","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Ma tagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Fort Bend","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Fort Bend County","Id":"43021972509663-48157","Source":"VTEC"}),"Galveston":({"CountyFips":"48167","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfsid e Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Coastal Galveston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Galveston County","Id":"43021972509961-48167","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48167","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes -Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnP RECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Galveston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Galveston County","Id":"43021972509663-48167","Source":"VTEC"}),"Grimes":({"CountyFips":"48185","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayt on, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Grimes","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Grimes County","Id":"43021972509663-48185","Source":"VT EC"}),"Harris":({"CountyFips":"48201","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CS T Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Harris","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Harris County","Id":"43021972509663-48201","Source":"VTEC"}),"Houston":({"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk -Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston ","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"43021972509961-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Jackson":({"CountyFips":"48239","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pear land, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Jackson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Jackson County","Id":"43021972509663-48239","Source":"VTEC"}),"Liberty":({"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300 -313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas. nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"43021972509663-48291","Source":"VTEC"}),"Madison":({"CountyFips":"48313","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of M adisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","Geograph icName":"Madison","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Madison County","Id":"43021972509663-48313","Source":"VTEC"}),"Matagorda":({"CountyFips":"48321","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY... nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Coastal Matagorda","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Matagorda County","Id":"43021972509961-48321","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48321","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazor ia-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Matagorda","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Matagorda County","Id":"43021972509663-48321","Source":"VTEC"}),"Montgomery":({"CountyFips":"48339","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvest onn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Montgomery","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Montgomery County","Id":"43021972509961-48339","Source":"VTEC"}),"Polk":({"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName" :"Polk County","Id":"43021972509961-48373","Source":"VTEC"}),"San Jacinto":({"CountyFips":"48407","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"San Jacinto","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"San Jacinto 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of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"43021972509961-48455","Source":"VTEC"}),"Walker":({"CountyFips":"48471","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","Sta rtTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ163-164-177>179-199-214-336>338-436>438-151030-n/O.CON.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nHouston-Trinity-Walker-San Jacinto-Polk-Montgomery-Chambers-nCoastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-Coastal Galveston-nMatagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Crockett, Trinity, Groveton, Huntsville, nShepherd, Coldspring, Livingston, Corrigan, Conroe, nThe Woodlands, Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Palacios, Lake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, nTexas City, Dickinson, La Marque, Surfside Beach, and Galvestonn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CSTnWEDNESDAY...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibi lity.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Walker","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Walker County","Id":"43021972509961-48471","Source":"VTEC"}),"Waller":({"CountyFips":"48473","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDa yton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Waller","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Waller County","Id":"43021972509663-48473","Source":" VTEC"}),"Washington":({"CountyFips":"48477","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burleson-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Washington","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Washington County","Id":"43021972509663-48477","Source":"VTEC"}),"Wharton":({"CountyFips":"48481","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:01:15:02:24:00","EndTime":"20:01:15:14:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ176-195>198-200-210>213-226-227-235>238-300-313-335-151030-n/O.EXA.KHGX.FG.Y.0006.000000T0000Z-200115T1400Z/nMadison-Burle son-Brazos-Washington-Grimes-Northern Liberty-nColorado-Austin-Waller-Inland Harris-Wharton-Fort Bend-nInland Jackson-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nSouthern Liberty-Coastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-nIncluding the cities of Madisonville, Caldwell, Somerville, nCollege Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Liberty, Cleveland, nDayton, Columbus, Eagle Lake, Weimar, Sealy, Bellville, nHempstead, Prairie View, Brookshire, Waller, Houston, El Campo, nWharton, Missouri City, Mission Bend, Sugar Land, Rosenberg, nFirst Colony, Pecan Grove, Edna, Ganado, Bay City, Pearland, nAlvin, Angleton, League City, Friendswood, Devers, Pasadena, nand Baytownn824 PM CST Tue Jan 14 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 AM CST WEDNESDAY EXTENDEDnTO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL AREAS...nn* WHAT...Visibility less than one mile in dense fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 8 AM CST Wednesday.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Wharton","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Wharton County","Id":"43021972509663-48481","Source":"VTEC"})},"text":"Weather Alert: 26 advisories in effect for 23 counties in the 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