Una mujer rocía Lysols a los ojos del cajero después de que le dijeron que había un límite de compra para el producto

La policía de Massachusetts está buscando a una mujer que supuestamente roció a Lysol en los ojos de un cajero después de que le dijeron que había un límite de compra para el desinfectante.

Según una publicación de Facebook de la policía de Leicester, el incidente ocurrió el 27 de marzo en un Walmart.

En el punto de compra, el cajero le informó a la mujer que había un límite en la cantidad de productos Lysol que cada cliente podía comprar. Luego reaccionó rociando el cajero en los ojos con el Lysol, requiriendo una respuesta del EMS, dijo la policía.

La mujer completó su compra y se fue en lo que se cree que fue un Uber.

Copyright 2020 por KPRC Click2Houston – Todos los derechos reservados.

Leicester PD está tratando de identificar a la hembra en la fotografía adjunta para un ADW que ocurrió el 27/3 a las ...

publicado por Departamento de policía de Leicester en Domingo 5 de abril de 2020

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Move livestock and n equipment to higher ground away from the river.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544n 3188 9548nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9422745041-48225","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:14:02:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-081445-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200412T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200411T0600Z.NO/n902 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...The Flood Warning is now in effect until Saturday evening...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Saturday evening.n* At 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The ma ximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday was 12.6 feet.n* Forecast...Expect the river to fall below flood stage by early n Saturday morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9422745006-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Liberty":({"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:56:00","EndTime":"20:04:10:13:56:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC071-291-081355-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/MBFT2.1.ER.200331T2045Z.200409T0000Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River near Moss Bluffn* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 830 AM Tuesday the stage was 13.8 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.2 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue rising to near 14.0 feet by Wednesday n evening a nd remain around that level through Sunday morning.nn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Wed Thu Fri SatnnTrinity Rivern Moss Bluff 12.2 13.8 Tue 8 AM 13.9 14.0 14.0 14.0n n&& n nLAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9422453820-48291","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:56:00","EndTime":"20:04:10:13:56:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC291-081355-n/O.CON.KHGX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/LBYT2.2.ER.200331T0530Z.200407T0945Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Libertyn* until further notice or until the warning is canceled.n* At 81 5 AM Tuesday the stage was 27.8 feet.n* Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 26.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river will remain near 27.8 feet through Sunday morning.n* At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlyingn communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cutn off if not evacuated.nn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Wed Thu Fri SatnnTrinity Rivern Liberty 26.0 27.8 Tue 8 AM 27.8 27.8 27.8 27.8n n&& n nLAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9422453802-48291","Source":"VTEC"}),"Polk":({"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:5 6:00","EndTime":"20:04:11:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-081355-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200411T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200410T1200Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...Flood Warning extended until Friday evening... The Flood Warning continues nforn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Friday evening or until the warning is canceled.n* At 830 AM Tuesday the stage was 134.6 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday n morning or early Friday afternoon.n* At 135.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues as significant backwater up n Thomas Lake floods the lowest areas in the Green Rich Shore Subdivision in n Walker County with the boat ramp completely inundated. The lowest lying areas n in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision and FM 980 northwest of Riverside aren threatened.nn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Wed Thu Fri SatnnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 134.6 Tue 8 AM 134.2 133.9 133.5 133.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9422453787-48373","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:14:02:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-081445-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200412T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200411T0600Z.NO/n902 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...The Flood Warning is now in e ffect until Saturday evening...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Saturday evening.n* At 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday was 12.6 feet.n* Forecast...Expect the river to fall below flood stage by early n Saturday morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9422745006-48373","Source":"VTEC"}),"San Jacinto":({"CountyFips":"48407","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:56:00","EndTime":"20:04:11:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-081355-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200411T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200410T1200Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...Flood Warning extended until Friday evening... The Flood Warning continues nforn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Friday evening or until the warning is canceled.n* At 830 AM Tuesday the stage was 134.6 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will conti nue to fall to below flood stage by Friday n morning or early Friday afternoon.n* At 135.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues as significant backwater up n Thomas Lake floods the lowest areas in the Green Rich Shore Subdivision in n Walker County with the boat ramp completely inundated. The lowest lying areas n in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision and FM 980 northwest of Riverside aren threatened.nn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Wed Thu Fri SatnnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 134.6 Tue 8 AM 134.2 133.9 133.5 133.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"San Jacinto","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"San Jacinto County","Id":"9422453787-48407","Source":"VTEC"}),"Trinity":({"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:56:00","EndTime":"20:04:11:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-081355-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200411T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200410T1200Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...Flood W arning extended until Friday evening... The Flood Warning continues nforn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Friday evening or until the warning is canceled.n* At 830 AM Tuesday the stage was 134.6 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Friday n morning or early Friday afternoon.n* At 135.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding continues as significant backwater up n Thomas Lake floods the lowest areas in the Green Rich Shore Subdivision in n Walker County with the boat ramp completely inundated. The lowest lying areas n in the Deep River Plantation Subdivision and FM 980 northwest of Riverside aren threatened.nn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Wed Thu Fri SatnnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 134.6 Tue 8 AM 134.2 133.9 133.5 133.2n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9422453787-48455","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:14:02:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-081445-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200412T0000Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200411T0600Z.NO/n902 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...The Flood Warning is no w in effect until Saturday evening...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Saturday evening.n* At 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday the stage was 12.5 feet.n* Flood stage is 12 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 8:15 AM CDT Tuesday was 12.6 feet.n* Forecast...Expect the river to fall below flood stage by early n Saturday morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9422745006-48455","Source":"VTEC"}),"Walker":({"CountyFips":"48471","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:07:13:56:00","EndTime":"20:04:11:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-081355-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200411T0000Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200410T1200Z.NO/n856 AM CDT Tue Apr 7 2020nn...Flood Warning extended until Friday evening... 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