
Biden campaign releases a flurry of digital DIY projects and virtual banners (yes, there are Zoom backgrounds) – TechCrunch

2020 is a nightmare year by most metrics, and it’s also a worst-case scenario emerging…

Highlights, lowlights as NFL teams get creative with 2020 schedule releases on social media

NFL social media account managers have likely been bored out of their minds lately without…

Lacey Evans discusses being on Military Makeover and WWE releases

Lifetime's Military Makeover kicks off a national campaign with WWE to find the next military family to receive a…

Epic Games yields and releases Fortnite on Android’s Google Play Store

Epic Games has caved in to Google and released Fortnite on the Play Store.For the…

After the Cyber Monday madness, Walmart releases another great Switch bundle

Did you already buy a Switch bundle for Black Friday or Cyber Monday? You may…