Derrick Jones Jr. de Miami supera a Aaron Gordon de Orlando para ganar un concurso de clavadas en un enfrentamiento increíble

CHICAGO, Ill. – El alero de los Miami Heat, Derrick Jones Jr., celebró su 23 cumpleaños ganando el All-Star Slam Dunk Contest, superando al alero de Orlando Magic Aaron Gordon en un memorable enfrentamiento que requirió dos atascos de desempate.

Jones y Gordon obtuvieron un 50 perfecto en sus dos mates en la final. Luego obtuvieron dos puntajes perfectos más en su primer atasco en el dunk-off.

Jones luego despegó justo dentro de la línea de falta y arrojó un atasco de molino de viento con su mano izquierda, sacando un 48 del panel de cinco jueces.

Después de una breve discusión con el miembro del Salón de la Fama Shaquille O'Neal, Gordon sacó al novato de 7 pies y 5 pulgadas de los Boston Celtics, Tacko Fall, y lo colocó cerca de la canasta. Luego tomó la pelota de las manos de Fall en su camino hacia una voluminosa volcada.

El United Center jadeó cuando las estrellas de la NBA en la cancha celebraron. Pero Gordon recibió un 47, dando la victoria a Jones.

Gordon también perdió un memorable concurso de volcadas ante Zach LaVine en 2016.

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. Todos los derechos reservados. Este material no puede ser publicado, transmitido, reescrito o redistribuido.

Derrick Jones Jr. es una locura

A I R P L A N E M O D E n n (@ AT & T)

publicado por Informe del blanqueador el sábado 15 de febrero de 2020

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Aaron Gordon es ridículo

Aaron Gordon merece un 800 por esta volcada. Podría ser uno de los mejores de la historia. N n # ATTSlamDunk

publicado por Informe del blanqueador el sábado 15 de febrero de 2020

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nSurfside Beach, and Galvestonn1236 AM CST Sun Feb 16 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING...nn* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile or less in densen fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Brazoria","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazoria County","Id":"5478769223-48039","Source":"VTEC"}),"Chambers":({"CountyFips":"48071","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:02:16:06:36:00","EndTime":"20:02:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ214-236>238-313 -335>338-436>438-161445-n/O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.200216T0636Z-200216T1500Z/nChambers-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nCoastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-nCoastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Bay City, Pearland, Alvin, Angleton, nLeague City, Friendswood, Pasadena, Baytown, Palacios, nLake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, Texas City, Dickinson, La Marque, nSurfside Beach, and Galvestonn1236 AM CST Sun Feb 16 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING...nn* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile or less in densen fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headl ights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Chambers","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Chambers County","Id":"5478769223-48071","Source":"VTEC"}),"Galveston":({"CountyFips":"48167","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:02:16:06:36:00","EndTime":"20:02:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ214-236>238-313-335>338-436>438-161445-n/O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.200216T0636Z-200216T1500Z/nChambers-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nCoastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-nCoastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Bay City, Pearland, Alvin, Angleton, nLeague City, Friendswood, Pasadena, Baytown, Palacios, nLake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, Texas City, Dickinson, La Marqu e, nSurfside Beach, and Galvestonn1236 AM CST Sun Feb 16 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING...nn* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile or less in densen fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Galveston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Galveston County","Id":"5478769223-48167","Source":"VTEC"}),"Harris":({"CountyFips":"48201","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:02:16:06:36:00","EndTime":"20:02:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ214-236>238-313-335>338-436>438-161445-n/O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.200216T0636Z-200216T1500Z/nChambers-Inla nd Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nCoastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-nCoastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Bay City, Pearland, Alvin, Angleton, nLeague City, Friendswood, Pasadena, Baytown, Palacios, nLake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, Texas City, Dickinson, La Marque, nSurfside Beach, and Galvestonn1236 AM CST Sun Feb 16 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING...nn* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile or less in densen fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"", "Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Coastal Harris","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Harris County","Id":"5478769223-48201","Source":"VTEC"}),"Houston":({"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:02:15:17:06:00","EndTime":"20:02:18:17:06:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC001-073-225-161705-n/O.CON.KSHV.FL.W.0023.000000T0000Z-000000T0000Z/n/NCST2.1.ER.200213T1725Z.200215T1630Z.000000T0000Z.NO/n1106 AM CST Sat Feb 15 2020nnThe flood warning continues forn the Neches River Near Neches.n* until further notice...or until the warning is cancelled.n* At 10:30 AM Saturday The stage was 15.4 feet. n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet. n* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to a stage of 15.1 feet n by tomorrow morning.n* 14.0 feet...Minor lowland flooding. Move livestock and n equipment to higher ground away from the river.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544 3188 9548nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"5433343043-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Jackson":({"CountyFips":"48239","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:02:16:06:36:00","EndTime":"20:02:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ214-236>238-313-335>338-436>438-161445-n/O.NEW.KHGX.FG.Y.0016.200216T0636Z-200216T1500Z/nChambers-Inland Matagorda-Inland Brazoria-Inland Galveston-nCoastal Harris-Coastal Jackson-Coastal Matagorda-Coastal Brazoria-nCoastal Galveston-Matagorda Islands-Brazoria Islands-nGalveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-nIncluding the cities of Winnie, Mont Belvieu, Anahuac, Stowell, nOld River-Winfree, Bay City, Pearland, Alvin, Angleton, nLeague City, Friendswood, Pasadena, Ba ytown, Palacios, nLake Jackson, Freeport, Clute, Texas City, Dickinson, La Marque, nSurfside Beach, and Galvestonn1236 AM CST Sun Feb 16 2020nn...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 9 AM CST THIS MORNING...nn* WHAT...Visibility one quarter to one half mile or less in densen fog.nn* WHERE...Portions of south central and southeast Texas.nn* WHEN...Until 9 AM CST this morning.nn* IMPACTS...Hazardous driving conditions due to low visibility.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf driving, slow down, use your headlights, and leave plenty ofndistance ahead of you.nn&&nn$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Coastal Jackson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Jackson County","Id":"5478769223-48239","Source":"VTEC"}),"Matagorda":({"CountyFips":"48321","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Dense Fog Advisory","StartTime":"20:02:16:06:36:00","EndTime":"20:02:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Dense Fog Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ214-236>238-313- 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