El Condado de Harris completa un centro de atención médica de emergencia en el parque NRG en medio de una pandemia de coronavirus

HOUSTON – Los funcionarios del condado de Harris y Houston dijeron que la región está lista para el peor de los casos posibles si el sistema de salud se ve abrumado por la pandemia de coronavirus.

Hasta ahora, las autoridades dijeron que el sistema de salud se ha mantenido dentro de su capacidad. Las autoridades crearon el refugio médico emergente en NRG Park para que sirviera de respaldo si se supera la capacidad de sobretensión de los hospitales.

"Esperemos que no necesitemos eso", dijo la jueza del condado de Harris, Lina Hidalgo, en la conferencia de prensa el sábado por la tarde.

El Tribunal de Comisionados del Condado de Harris votó por unanimidad para asignar hasta $ 60 millones para refugio médico en NRG Park. Hidalgo dijo que el condado invirtió $ 11 millones en la instalación.

FEMA se ha comprometido a reembolsar al condado el 75% del costo hasta $ 177 millones para la instalación médica.

Hidalgo dijo que las instalaciones de 250 camas están listas después de que la construcción comenzó a principios de esta semana.

El condado ha asegurado el equipo de atención médica necesario, ha creado sistemas y procedimientos, y ha contratado médicos, enfermeras y expertos para responder si la revisión es necesaria.

El refugio de atención médica temporal trabajará en asociación con los sistemas de atención médica regionales y proporcionará varias unidades, según el nivel de atención de los pacientes.

Los funcionarios han dedicado dos unidades a pacientes con coronavirus positivos, una sección para personas que pueden haber contraído el virus y un nivel para aquellos que requieren atención a nivel de la UCI, dijo Hidalgo.

El Condado de Harris ha examinado a más de 8,400 personas para detectar coronavirus, según Harris County Health.

Hasta el sábado por la tarde, más de 1,100 personas dieron positivo. Veinticuatro personas han muerto por complicaciones relacionadas con COVID-19, mientras que casi 300 personas se han recuperado.

'La esperanza no es una estrategia.'

Hidalgo optó por avanzar con esta inversión médica, ya que la cantidad de nuevos casos de coronavirus aumenta diariamente en Houston y el condado de Harris.

"La esperanza no es una estrategia. Tenemos que asegurarnos de estar preparados para nuestro peor escenario, por lo que comenzamos a avanzar ”, dijo Hidalgo.

El alcalde de Houston, Sylvester Turner, dijo el lunes que hay muchas camas de hospital disponibles en los hospitales del área durante la pandemia.

"Todavía estamos dentro de las capacidades de los hospitales para manejar la carga", dijo Turner. "El otro número que miro es la cantidad de personas en la UCI y la cantidad de camas disponibles en la UCI y, a día de hoy, todavía está dentro de la capacidad de los hospitales para manejar a las personas que necesitan UCI. Mírelo en términos de personas con ventiladores, el número que está disponible y el número que está en los ventiladores. A partir de hoy, nuestros hospitales pueden manejar esa carga ".

Sin embargo, Turner también dijo que la respuesta debe continuar siendo agresiva.

Hidalgo dijo que decidió seguir adelante con el refugio médico NRG porque se enfrentaba a un escenario de "tómalo o déjalo".

"Pero eso no significa que lo vamos a usar", dijo. "Si no lo usamos, no lo usamos, y estamos bien".

Aquí está la conferencia de prensa conjunta del sábado:

Copyright 2020 por KPRC Click2Houston – Todos los derechos reservados.

VER EN VIVO: La jueza del condado de Harris, Lina Hidalgo, la alcaldesa de Houston, Sylvester Turner, y otros funcionarios brindarán una actualización sobre la respuesta del coronavirus de la región luego de un recorrido por el refugio médico en NRG Park.

publicado por KPRC2 / Click2Houston el sábado 11 de abril de 2020

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For the first Beach Hazards Statement, elevated wavesn and a high risk of rip currents expected. n n* For the second Beach Hazards Statement, high water levels, n waves and currents expected.nn* WHERE...Brazoria Islands and Galveston Island and Bolivar n Peninsula Counties.nn* WHEN...For the Coastal Flood Advisory, from 4 AM to noon CDT n Sunday. For the first Beach Hazards Statement, through late n tonight. For the second Beach Hazards Statement, Sunday n afternoon.nn* IMPACTS...Flooding of lots, parks, and roads with only isolatedn road closures expected. Water will approach the seawall.n Locations along Bolivar Peninsula, west end of Galveston, then Blue Water Highway and Surfside will susceptible to minorn flooding of coastal roads. nn* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most beaches are already closed, but Sundayn is not the time to be in the water for ones that are not.n Hazardous conditions will exist.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may benclosed. Do not drive around barricades or through water ofnunknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-pronenproperty.nnRemain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Brazoria Islands","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazoria County","Id":"9753431011-48039","Source":"VTEC"}),"Chambers":({"CountyFips":"48071","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:16:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC071-291-121438-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200416T1200Z/n/MBFT2.1.ER.200331T2045Z.200410T1230Z.200416T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...Flood Warning extended until Thursday morning... The Flood Warning continues nforn The Trinity River near Moss Bluffn* until Thursday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 13.9 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.2 feet.n* Fore cast...The river will continue rising to near 13.9 feet by this afternoon.n The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Moss Bluff 12.2 13.9 Sat 08 AM 13.8 13.5 13.3 12.6n n&& n nLAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Chambers","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Chambers County","Id":"9732117885-48071","Source":"VTEC"}),"Galveston":({"CountyFips":"48167","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Coastal Flood Advisory","StartTime":"20:04:12:09:00:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:17:00:00","Headline":"Coastal Flood Advisory","Bulletin":"TXZ437-438-121400-n/O.NEW.KHGX.CF.Y.0001.200412T0900Z-200412T1700Z/n/O.NEW.KHGX.BH.S.0004.200411T2044Z-200412T0900Z/n/O.NEW.KHGX.BH.S.0004.200412T1700Z-200412T2100Z/nBrazoria Islands-Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula-n344 PM CDT Sat Apr 1 1 2020nn...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT THROUGH LATE TONIGHT...n...COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 4 AM TO NOON CDTnSUNDAY...n...BEACH HAZARDS STATEMENT IN EFFECT SUNDAY AFTERNOON...nn* WHAT...For the Coastal Flood Advisory, minor coastal floodingn expected. For the first Beach Hazards Statement, elevated wavesn and a high risk of rip currents expected. n n* For the second Beach Hazards Statement, high water levels, n waves and currents expected.nn* WHERE...Brazoria Islands and Galveston Island and Bolivar n Peninsula Counties.nn* WHEN...For the Coastal Flood Advisory, from 4 AM to noon CDT n Sunday. For the first Beach Hazards Statement, through late n tonight. For the second Beach Hazards Statement, Sunday n afternoon.nn* IMPACTS...Flooding of lots, parks, and roads with only isolatedn road closures expected. Water will approach the seawall.n Locations along Bolivar Peninsula, west end of Galveston, then Blue Water Highway and Surfside will susceptible to minorn flooding of coastal roads. nn* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Most beaches are already closed, but Sundayn is not the time to be in the water for ones that are not.n Hazardous conditions will exist.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnIf travel is required, allow extra time as some roads may benclosed. Do not drive around barricades or through water ofnunknown depth. Take the necessary actions to protect flood-pronenproperty.nnRemain out of the water to avoid hazardous swimming conditions.nn&&nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Galveston County","Id":"9753431011-48167","Source":"VTEC"}),"Houston":({"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:13:18:00","EndTime":"20:04:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-120130-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200416T1500Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200415T2100Z.NO/n818 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...The Flood Warning is now in effect until late Thursday morning...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Thursday morning.n* At 7:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 12.9 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding i s forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 AM CDT Saturday was 13.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage n Wednesday afternoon and continue falling to 11.6 feet Thursday n morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9727875719-48225","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:13:19:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:18:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC001-073-225-120130-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0058.000000T0000Z-200412T1800Z/n/NCST2.1.ER.200322T0422Z.200325T1015Z.200412T0000Z.NO/n819 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...The Flood Warning is now in effect until early tomorrow nafternoon...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Neches.n* Until Sunday afternoon.n* At 7:30 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 12.2 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in th e 24 hours ending n at 7:30 AM CDT Saturday was 12.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage this n evening and continue falling to 10.5 feet Thursday morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Expect minor lowland flooding of the n heavily wooded floodplain. Ranchers that may have livestock and n equipment in the river bottoms should move them to higher ground. n Expect minor flooding of the boat ramp.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3205 9544 3167 9524 3166 9537 3180 9544n 3188 9548nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"9727975125-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Liberty":({"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:16:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC071-291-121438-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0005.000000T0000Z-200416T1200Z/n/MBFT2.1.ER.200331T2045Z.200410T1230Z.200416T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...Flood Warning extended until Thursday morning... The Flood Warning continues nforn The Trinity River near Moss Bluffn* until Thursday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 13.9 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 12.2 feet.n* Forecast...The river will c ontinue rising to near 13.9 feet by this afternoon.n The river will fall below flood stage Wednesday evening. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Moss Bluff 12.2 13.9 Sat 08 AM 13.8 13.5 13.3 12.6n n&& n nLAT...LON 2996 9470 2979 9466 2979 9479 2996 9487nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9732117885-48291","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:14:00:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC291-121438-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0004.000000T0000Z-200414T0000Z/n/LBYT2.2.ER.200331T0530Z.200409T1045Z.200413T1200Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Libertyn* until Monday evening or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0 915 AM Saturday the stage was 27.5 feet.n* Moderate flooding is occurring and Moderate flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 26.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river will continue to fall to below flood stage by Monday n morning. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.n* At 27.0 feet...Moderate lowland flooding begins as roads into several outlyingn communities above Liberty are closed with residents in 5 or 6 subdivisions cutn off if not evacuated.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Liberty 26.0 27.5 Sat 09 AM 27.2 26.0 24.3 22.6n n&& n nLAT...LON 3027 9475 2996 9470 2996 9487 3027 9489nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"9732117872-48291","Source":"VTEC"}),"Polk":({"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:13:18:00","EndTime":"20:04:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-120130-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200416T1500Z/n/D IBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200415T2100Z.NO/n818 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...The Flood Warning is now in effect until late Thursday morning...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Thursday morning.n* At 7:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 12.9 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 AM CDT Saturday was 13.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage n Wednesday afternoon and continue falling to 11.6 feet Thursday n morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9727875719-48373","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-121200-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200412T1200Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200412T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Sunday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 133.5 feet.n* Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to remain near flood stage through today and n slowly fall through the next few days. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.n* At 133.5 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage withn water in the Green Rich Shores subdivision. Backwater flooding up Wright's n Creek impacts Plantation Drive in the Deep River Plantation subdivision.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 133.5 Sat 08 AM 133.4 133.2 133.2 133.0n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"9732117849-48373","Source":"VTEC"}),"San Jacinto":({"CountyFips":"48407","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-121200-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200412T1200Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200412T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn The Flood Warning continues for n The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Sunday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 133.5 feet.n* Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to remain near flood stage through today and n slowly fall through the next few days. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.n* At 133.5 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage withn water in the Green Rich Shores subdivision. Backwater flooding up Wright's n Creek impacts Plantation Drive in the Deep River Plantation subdivision.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 133.5 Sat 08 AM 133.4 133.2 133.2 133.0n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"San Jacinto","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"San Jacinto County","Id":"9732117849-48407","Source":"VTEC"}),"Trinity":({"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:13:18:00","EndTime":"20:04:16:15:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC005-225-373-455-457-120130-n/O.EXT.KSHV.FL.W.0059.000000T0000Z-200416T1500Z/n/DIBT2.1.ER.200321T1215Z.200323T1615Z.200415T2100Z.NO/n818 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn...The Flood Warni ng is now in effect until late Thursday morning...nnThe Flood Warning continues forn the Neches River Near Diboll.n* Until Thursday morning.n* At 7:15 AM CDT Saturday the stage was 12.9 feet.n* Flood stage is 12.0 feet.n* Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.n* Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending n at 7:15 AM CDT Saturday was 13.0 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage n Wednesday afternoon and continue falling to 11.6 feet Thursday n morning.n* Impact...At 12.0 feet, Minor lowland flooding occurs. Expect n flooded boat ramps and trails.nnn&&nnLAT...LON 3138 9492 3107 9455 3103 9459 3111 9485n 3136 9500nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9727875719-48455","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-121200-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200412T1200Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200412T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn The Flood Warning continues forn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Sunday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 133.5 feet.n* Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to remain near flood stage through today and n slowly fall through the next few days. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.n* At 133.5 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage withn water in the Green Rich Shores subdivision. Backwater flooding up Wright's n Creek impacts Plantation Drive in the Deep River Plantation subdivision.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 133.5 Sat 08 AM 133.4 133.2 133.2 133.0n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"9732117849-48455","Source":"VTEC"}),"Walker":({"CountyFips":"48471","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Flood Warning","StartTime":"20:04:11:14:39:00","EndTime":"20:04:12:12:00:00","Headline":"Flood Warning","Bulletin":"TXC373-407-455-471-121200-n/O.EXT.KHGX.FL.W.0002.000000T0000Z-200412T1200Z/n/RVRT2.1.ER.200324T0851Z.200403T0300Z.200412T0000Z.NO/n939 AM CDT Sat Apr 11 2020nn The Flood Warning continues fo rn The Trinity River at Riversiden* until Sunday morning or until the warning is canceled.n* At 0830 AM Saturday the stage was 133.5 feet.n* Minor flooding is forecast.n* Flood stage is 133.5 feet.n* Forecast...The river is expected to remain near flood stage through today and n slowly fall through the next few days. Additional rainfall may result in additional rises.n* At 133.5 feet...Minor lowland flooding begins in the vicinity of the gage withn water in the Green Rich Shores subdivision. Backwater flooding up Wright's n Creek impacts Plantation Drive in the Deep River Plantation subdivision.nnnn&&n Flood Observed Forecast 6 AMnLocation Stage Stage Day Time Sun Mon Tue WednnTrinity Rivern Riverside 133.5 133.5 Sat 08 AM 133.4 133.2 133.2 133.0n n&& n nLAT...LON 3097 9584 3096 9562 3093 9528 3082 9528 3087 9562 3088 9584nnn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Walker","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Walker County","Id":"9732117849-48471","Source":"VTEC"})},"text":"Weather Alert: 11 warnings and 2 advisories in effect for 9 counties in the area","time":1586639938.1220477,"_id":"e821dd5fc1ca26d1dc39f7723d8aa779e2596e1751775b5e7de76d9a02dcaf7e"},"expires":1586640267770,"lastModified":1586639939000}},"0PB_ContentStoryCard":{"{"from":0,"galleries":false,"section":"News/local","size":4,"stories":true,"videos":f 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