NovaBench Download (2020 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

NovaBench is a freeware benchmark test for Windows and macOS. It quickly tests your computer’s capabilities (CPU, Graphics, RAM, and Storage). It has been trusted by millions since 2007.

Test the speed of your computer with NovaBench, a free benchmark program for Windows computers. NovaBench is designed to quickly run comprehensive tests of your computer components. The CPU, RAM, GPU, and disks are tested to produce a detailed breakdown and an overall system score. Your results can be submitted and compared with others online. Verified scores can be shared on your online Nova Bench profile.

Testing your computer is easy and only takes a few minutes.

Compare your results online to look for potential problems.

Tune, upgrade, or repair your computer based on your results.

Note: Requires .NET Framework

and DirectX.

Also Available: Download NovaBench for Mac

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