Odds Wizard Download

Generate odds and statistics for upcoming fixtures in a variety of sports with this algorithm-driven application

Sports may have been the kind of activity everyone did for fun at some point, back when people chose to compete against each other in a friendly manner. Nowadays, billions of dollars are involved in every major league from around the world, including soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis. However, even the fans can make a profit by watching the sports, because the betting world is just as profitable.

Calculate odds for upcoming fixtures in a variety of sports

Odds Wizard is a handy application that can be used to approximate odds and calculate performance statistics for teams and players, in order to help you figure out your best bet. In the case of soccer, the database contains leagues from all over the world, as well as special tournaments like the World Cup and the UEFA Champions League, which include only a few select teams.

However, plenty of other sports are supported and integrated as well. Basketball, baseball, hockey and tennis fans should find what they are looking for too, although the main focus seems to be on the soccer. Beside the name of the teams and the leaderboards that are constantly updated via the Internet, the application also displays statistics like the overall rating and past performance trends.

Sort the data and calculate profit margins

As previously mentioned, the tool comes in handy if you are in the sports betting business and you want to ease your job. In this regard, the application can be used to calculate the odds and the profits you would be able to pull from specific fixtures. Naturally, you should always take the information with a grain of salt, because sports are still rather unpredictable in most cases, even if the numbers seem to say otherwise.

One of the disadvantages you might stumble into is the user interface itself, which might prove to be a bit too crowded and full of specific terms that may not mean anything to a newcomer. On the other hand, if you are well-aware of the betting world and you have no problems understanding the abbreviations, then everything might come a lot easier to you.

Print the results and create personalized leagues

While Odds Wizard has its fair share of flaws, the application as a whole is still pretty reliable and stuffed with functions. Hence, if you know your way around sports and how odds work, this might very well prove to be the solution to your problems.

Filed under

Soccer statistics Odds calculator Hockey odds Odds Statistics Performance Soccer

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