Blue Whatsapp

Blue Whatsapp

Download Free Blue Whatsapp

APK APP Android

Download Blue Whatsapp Plus Apk Free is the latest version of the Whatsapp mod along with a blue skin that provides some cool features that are missing from the official app. custom theme is blue which can be changed to different available colors. It supports almost every smartphone including Xiaomi, Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Realme and any Android powered device. It is developed by several third-party developers, namely Heymods, Fouadmods, and Alexmods. Every developer has offered some special features in the app. Whatsapp Plus Original is regularly updated by developers and allows you to customize the user interface as you wish.

Main Features of Blue Whatsapp Plus

Enjoy unlimited entertainment, connectivity and multimedia sharing with the app. the application is simple and easy to use and you will find three main functions;

  1. Privacy; privacy is a major concern in the digital world. Everyone first check privacy option before using or installing any application. in the application you will find a privacy protection option.
  2. Settings Plus; in the option of more settings according to your needs like downloading sticker and wallpaper sets with GB Plus, getting unlimited themes and fonts and many more.
  3. General settings; in the feature you will find Whatsapp Plus restart option, message scheduler, DND mode and so on.

Built-in media downloader

We only track the “status” of others uploaded to the app and cannot save it to our device. The problem was solved by the app and it offered a built-in media downloader to download your favorite status. There is no need to ask the person to send you a picture or video, but directly download it and save it to your device.

Hide more features

It is not possible to hide anything in the official application. In case of some security and privacy issues users want to take some steps which are possible in Blue Whatsapp;

  1. If you don’t want to show your web presence status to your contacts, go to your settings and disable “online status” to keep yourself safe from others seeing you as offline.
  2. Sometimes we want to read any person’s message but don’t want to be in the position of ghosts, simply disable the “blue check” option in the settings.
  3. Hide the ‘write or record’ option as it usually takes some time for us to write or record your message. So hide this option and take the time to reply to the message.

Multiple messaging styles

Whatsapp and its developed mods are basically meant for chatting with friends and family. There are several styles of sending and receiving messages available in the app;

  1. Automatic reply; sometimes we are busy in some other critical situation or work in any place where cell phone is not allowed. Avoid an unwanted situation and enable the “auto reply” option for common contacts to inform you about your situation.
  2. Scheduled messages; this option allows you to schedule messages for several events related to your loved ones with the correct time and date. You don’t need to remember birthdays or other ceremony dates, and your message will be sent on time.
  3. Message to an unsaved contact; unlike the official app, there is no need to add a phone number before contacting, although you only need to enter a number and a message and send it easily.
  4. offline messaging; write your message even if you don’t have an internet connection and send it. The message will be stored on the application server and sent to the person when the network connection is on.

Customize everything

The main screen as the title of the show is completely blue. It can be amazing for people who like blue color but you can change it according to your choice. You can change everything including wallpapers, themes, header edits, chat screen and so on;

  1. Fonts and style; There are unlimited fonts in different styles, sizes, shapes and more. Avoid the typical boring fonts and try stylish and unique fonts to show your laziness and eccentricity.
  2. stickers and emoticons; lots of cool looking stickers and emoticons according to new trends will make your chat express.
  3. Wallpapers; we know that customizing features cannot be completed without wallpaper. So use whatever wallpapers you like from the great library that the app offers.
  4. Topics; the app offers several theme styles and you can find themes created by other users as well to customize your app.

Built-in cleaner

You don’t need to download any third party cleaner because we know that every device takes specific storage space for different apps and tools and other similar specs. The cleaner removes all unnecessary apps and junk files from your device. Just enable the cleaner and boost your app’s performance to remove all the unnecessary messages.

Unlimited multimedia sharing

Forget the times when you care about sending any audio/video file from Whatsapp. Short audio/video files can be sent and mostly with low quality downloads of any image. Let’s go to WhatsApp Plus Updated and enjoy unlimited sharing options like 30+ flash video with duration of 7 minutes along with 50 MB video and 100 MB audio file while maintaining the image quality. In addition, keep a record of all your activities and review them whenever you want.

Change Whatsapp Blue to iPhone Style

Go to the customize option and give your app an iPhone look and change the color of the emoticons to blue to look like iPhone emoticons. You can also change the top bar like on the iPhone.

Backup recovery

Avoid any mishap in deleting important chat and other important files from your device. Create a backup copy of your content that can be restored for later use in your group or in some other situations.


Custom slider

Using any slider for the interface is allowed, but customization of the slider is also possible in the application, while you can change the slider using different themes.

Final words

Blue Whatsapp introduced Whatsapp Plus 2022 updated is the fastest way to send and receive messages. Stay connected with your friends and family 24 hours a day. Enjoy the blue look or change it if you want. Everything from the icon to the font is changeable. Create groups with up to 256 people, make video conference calls and many more amazing and unique features await you.

The name of the application Blue Whatsapp
Developer WhatsApp Plus
Newest version 19.35.3
Update August 21, 2022
Size (63.01 MB)
License Free, to release
Requirements Android

Blue Whatsapp Plus


(63.01 MB) Safe and secure

Download Blue Whatsapp

2022 Latest Version APK

Download Blue Whatsapp

MOD Premium

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