Driver Booster Download for PC Windows (7/10/11)

Download Free Driver Booster Download for PC Windows (7/10/11)

Driver Booster for PC Windows (7/10/8) is the fastest application to update all errors, missing and outdated drivers from Windows computers with one click. Presenting 3,500,000 drivers to the game component database to update almost all outdated drivers. The Driver Booster provides foolproof security as well as accuracy by passing the Microsoft WHQL tests and also follows the IObit verification rules.

Driver booster 7

It also downloads and installs the exact update for you with just one click, saving you time. It is the best software to have your drivers updated automatically. Driver booster Free provides an easy way to update drivers for Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP.

Driver booster functions

Fix errors automatically

In contrast to Windows driver finder tools, Driver Booster shows the errors sharply and automatically fixes them very efficiently. It also color-coded the errors for easy identification. It clears the out of date drivers with a detail of their size, release date and age before updating them. These legacy drivers are exported to a .txt file, including device name, class, manufacturer, current and existing version, hardware ID, and compatible ID.

Simple & reliable

Updating outdated drivers via Driver Booster is very easy, reliable and user-friendly. It works automatically and installs the correct update with a single click. It protects your hardware from errors, conflicts, and crashes as outdated drivers slow down the performance of the operating system. The latest technology from IOBit enables the Driver Booster to both scan automatically and discover outdated drivers.

Best for gaming performance

The application not only for supported functions, but also improves the performance of gaming components. It saves us the hassle of switching to large database drivers and stops the annoying update notifications during a game or app in full screen mode. The app also offers a “Boost” option to experience a fast system with one click.


7 useful tools

In addition, the app allows you to use 7 other tools to restore your system. These tools increase the performance, stability, and compatibility of your system by fixing common errors like no sound, network errors, poor resolution, and device errors.

Safe and secure

The app works reliably with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP and supports drivers that have passed the WHQL test. Newly introduced HTTPS connection for secure encryption with the server for downloading the drivers. Driver Booster creates a restore point before installation to keep your system safe and secure. A driver backup is also available in the event of an error.

Supports over 400,000 devices and drivers

Automatically run recommended drivers and updates for your hardware. With a 200% larger online database, Driver booster is the best driver updater software. Which one can automatically scan and repair 400,000+ devices and computer drivers sold by 5,000+ companies? Clients will be free from troubles such as slow internet. PC freezes and crashes, and peripheral device conflicts affected by outdated, misplaced, or incorrect drivers. It will help you find the exact driver updates for Windows 10 systems that include the fresh Windows 10 Red Stone system.

Driverbooster7 free download

Time-saving and bright driver download

It has completed certain developments in the download process. Through a progressive driver density algorithm, a driver platform in Driver. Booster 4 would be a maximum of 30% less than its inventive scope, which would lead to a really shortened download time. It offers faster download speeds and allows downloading and installation during a sluggish period of the system. Allow customers to concentrate on the work at hand without any problems.

Extra secure driver update

Driver booster for pc enables the user to modernize their drivers more carefully and faster than any other driver updater. To confirm the security of the customer’s PC, WHQL drivers are simply offered. Driver Booster 4 mechanically reverses an earlier pressure and makes a system restore point that was previously updated. In a situation everything surprising happens. The mechanical check and adjustment of the screen resolution affects if the installation is similarly a newly added feature to Driver Booster 4.

Main features

  • A free and fastest application to update all bugs, missing and out of date drivers
  • Presentation of 3,500,000 drivers
  • Foolproof security
  • Fix errors automatically
  • Simple & reliable
  • Best for gaming performance
  • 7 useful tools

Download Last Version: Driver Booster Download for PC Windows (7/10/11) Free 2021 Last Version

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