GB Whatsapp Plus

GB Whatsapp Plus

Download Free GB Whatsapp Plus

APK APP Android

GB WhatsApp Plus is another sister app that offers you exciting features and more. It allows you to communicate with your friends and family using end-to-end message encryption. It was developed in 2012 by XDA member Rafalete as a modified version of Whatsapp with changed code and a new golden interface. You can use it along with another Whatsapp account on the same device at the same time. It is available for all types of Android devices like Xiaomi, Samsung, Vivo, Oppo, Realme and so on. The XDA developer team designed the app in 2012 and the last version of the app was published in 2020. Now HeyMods and AlexMods are working more reliably to develop the app.

AlexMods GB Whatsapp Plus

Four different mods besides Whatsapp GB Plus made by AlexMods. The developers offer the APK file in a zip file that requires the process of extracting, saving, downloading and installing. It offers several different features including dark and light themes, base updates, animated emoticons, hide blue ticks, change background color and theme, tons of stickers and so on.

HeyMods GB Whatsapp Plus

The version released by HeyMods was quite similar to the old XDA versions with a few improved features. In the HeyMods version, you will find several features such as base update, DIY theme, hide privacy and chat terms, change blue badge colors, hide story view and so on.


Unique themes

Around 700 unique, versatile and attractive themes are available in the app to let you customize your chat screen. Unlike the official app, you can use several customization features, including choosing text color, button color, graphics, and many more. You don’t need to download themes because the app offers a complete set of themes organized by name, date and version. It provides you seamless downloaded themes with an easy customization process.

Add emoticons and stickers to your chat

The digital world has changed the human lifestyle and allowed us to describe our feelings in different styles. As in the past, we don’t have to use words to express our feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, or excitement. Just add an emoticon or a glowing sticker to your chat and impress your friends and family a lot. Google Hangouts emoticons and several trendy sticker packs are available in the app, keep in mind that the exchange of awesome emoticons is possible with the same Whatsapp Plus account.


Clean every unnecessary chat, image or video from the app with the built-in cleaner. Avoid downloading any third party cleaner and clean all the redundant content from your app and increase the app speed.

Hide all unwanted options

Sometimes we are busy or sometimes we are not in mood to participate in any chat or call. We cannot avoid all this in the official application, because we cannot ignore some of our contacts. In GB Whatsapp Plus we can do this because we have the option to disable more features like;

  • Use DND mod and turn off Wi-Fi only for your Whatsapp and do all other online activities easily.
  • Turn off ‘Online Status’ and go ghost because no one can see your ‘Last Seen’.
  • Turn off “blue ticks” and “double ticks” to avoid early replies.
  • Hide the ‘type or record’ option and satisfactorily write or record your answer.
  • Hide the “Blue Microphone” option and reply to your contact whenever you want.

Anti-Deleting Messages or Status

If you open your Whatsapp and look at some messages that your contact has deleted before reading them. It’s a very incontinent situation, you can’t ask your contact why they deleted the messages or resend the messages. Similarly, it is not possible with the status deleted by your contact. But with the app you can easily read the deleted messages and track the deletion status just by enabling the ‘Anti-revoke’ option.

Automatic reply and scheduled messages

If you are busy or stuck in any critical situation, you cannot answer specifically to your family or any other loved one. Enjoy the relief offered by GB Whatsapp Plus and record some messages that are automatically sent to your contacts without your cooperation. Similarly, scheduled messages give you the opportunity to wish happy birthdays or other events by scheduling messages with the desired date and time. Make sure Wi-Fi is available at the time the message is delivered so that the message can be delivered to your contacts on time and date.

Share your content without limits

Avoid stimulating tension by sending only 16MB files via official Whatsapp. Let’s enjoy unlimited file sharing up to 50 MB video and 100 MB audio files. It is a great choice for data distributors. In addition, HD quality images and videos uploaded to your status for more than 30 seconds to 7 minutes can be shared.

Wallpapers and fonts

Unique and stylish wallpapers are the most requested customization feature in any app. wallpapers, fonts and styles are amazing customization features that give your app an exciting position. There are tons of wallpapers, fonts and styles available in the app that you can try and use on your chat screen to make your contacts look impressive.

History and logs

It oversees the complete record of your application with the “History and Log” feature. This feature gives you every activity you have done in the app.

Safe security

Security concerns are a basic requirement of every online user in the digital world. You are online and in contact with many people. Some of your social media contacts, some for business and many other matters can be handled online. It is really difficult to keep your online privacy and security flawless. The app offers a built-in locker to keep your WA safe when setting a password or using a PIN or fingerprint.

The possibility of a problem-free call

In the official application, you cannot call a person who is not saved in your phone book. Avoid the awkward situation of adding a number to the list before calling the desired person. Open the app, dial the numbers and talk to whoever you want.

How to Migrate Whatsapp to GB Whatsapp Plus

The migration process is simple and completed in a few simple steps. It is reliably usable for both Android and iPhone.

  1. Ensure Wi-Fi stability.
  2. Go to the navigation option and create a backup copy.
  3. Download GB Whatsapp Plus APK File.
  4. Enable “Unknown sources” and start installing the app.
  5. Once the installation process is complete, confirm your phone number using the OPT method.
  6. After verification, log in to your account.
  7. Upload your backup to your new app and start chatting and calling.

Final words

GB Whatsapp Plus like other mods of official Whatsapp offers lots of unique and exciting features. It can meet all your requirements regarding your privacy concerns. A freeware and easy-to-use application with millions of downloads daily, it allows users to contact anyone anywhere in the world.

The name of the application GB Whatsapp Plus
Developer GBWhatsappPlus
Newest version 17:00
Update August 28, 2022
Size (51.49 MB)
License Free, to release
Requirements Android

GB WhatsApp Plus


(51.49 MB) Safe and secure

Download GB Whatsapp Plus

2022 Latest Version APK

Download GB Whatsapp Plus

MOD Premium

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