July 2020 horoscope by sign

Horoscope for July 2020 for Sign

The month of July has arrived, and it brings us a lot of astrological news! Right now, it’s still cancer season, and whatever your sign, it’s been in your feelings.

Just after midnight July 5, Eastern Time, we saw the last of this summer’s eclipses, which is also the end of the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse series that began two years ago. The eclipses are intense, so expect jerks and surprises. Either way, take a moment to reflect on everything that has changed in the past two years.

Things will start to get a little clearer when Retrograde mercury finally ends on July 12. Communication will be easier, you will have fewer travel setbacks (even if “traveling” means going from your home to the grocery store), and life will go smoothly. It’s time!

The New Moon in Cancer on July 20 begins a new lunar cycle and adds even more emotional vibrations of Cancer to the air but on July 22, the sun goes to Leo, giving us warmth, emotion, pleasure … and increasing our ego a little. So go ahead, post a thirst trap or a complete introduction to them. It’s Leos season, baby!

Here is your monthly horoscope by sign

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If things don’t go as planned this month, don’t be discouraged. It is not that you are not doing enough or that you are not doing something wrong. You simply cannot do it alone or without careful consideration. Big changes are coming for you and your career. Although with all the work you do (emotional and otherwise), be sure to take the time to have fun.

Bull (April 20 to May 20)

You can spend this month focusing on your regrets and all the things you should have said, done, etc. Or you can free yourself from the past and focus on everything you can do in the present moment. You have more in your favor than you think. Taking the time to fold in and take care of your tenderest parts can help you move forward. Keep hoping.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

This month pushes you to clear the table of unhealthy attachments so that you can fill the void with things and people who are better aligned with who you are. Part of this work will require radical acceptance on your part. This will require an effort to unsubscribe from old stories, especially around their value.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

This month will test you in terms of the confidence you have in yourself and your abilities. Of course, you are more than capable, but you will have to prove yourself. What you don’t need is to prove anything to anyone, even if they try to blame you or make you do it. That being said, you are called upon to see people as they are, not as you wish.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

You can do it. This is the message to keep in mind this month, as there may be obstacles or blockages in your path to achieve your dreams. While you have to pay attention to the details, don’t let fear and perfectionism get in your way. Free your attachment to the results. Go with the flow. Make health and personal care a priority.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

You have learned lessons on how to express yourself more authentically and ask for more when it comes to your love life and your passions. Julio brings you one last surprise test, so get ready to show your work. Opportunities abound (research!). Let what is removed from your life wash away. Open up to new people and a new path.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This month pushes you to deal with the feelings and tensions that may have bubbled below the surface so that you can heal yourself and draw healthier boundaries with others. A move or relocation could be underway while pursuing your larger goals. Don’t let the past, guilt or fear of stealing keep you from taking charge of your future.

Scorpion (October 23 to November 21)

You are proud of what you know and your ability to take 10 steps forward. But this month is not so much about fixing things and dealing with the worst, but about being open to what you don’t know, rethinking what you know and cultivating the faith without voluntarily ignoring what awaits you. In addition, your career is stimulated.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

This month is pushing you to change course, especially if you are stuck in a situation where you have been taken for granted or if you are not managing your resources as well as you could. That said, something you’ve worked hard on is starting to pay off in career and love. Don’t let lack of patience or a moment of insecurity compromise your progress.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

You might end up running into people this month as they push you to find better ways to connect with others while being honest and open to your needs. Now is not the time to stoic or stay in control; It is time to lean, open up and be gentle with others. Love and be loved despite your perceived flaws.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Fear, sadness, anger – these emotions are part of the human experience and as you have your own experiences with these feelings, you are reminded that you are not alone. Take care of yourself. And if you can’t, ask for help. People will recover. Also don’t forget to congratulate yourself when it’s due, even for the little things.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

While things don’t necessarily go as planned, it doesn’t mean you can’t get what you want. It just means that you have to work to find joy right now, in the midst of the discomfort. Remember, you are resistant

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