Download Dato 3.3.1 (Mac) – Download Free

Download Free Dato 3.3.1 (Mac) – Download

When I first transitioned from Windows to macOS, one of the things I missed the most was the handy calendar that popped up when you clicked on the systray clock. However, on a Mac, you have to open the Calendar app to quickly see things like dates or events.

given is a small application that also brings this useful feature to your Apple device. It’s so simple to configure, you might wonder why this little calendar isn’t included by default in macOS.

Can replace the default system clock

After installing the app, you need to press and hold key and move the Dato icon to the position of the built-in clock. You can then go ahead and disable the system clock completely, as the new one looks exactly the same and can be used as a replacement.

Alternatively, the application can display just a small icon in the menu bar, allowing you to use the default system clock while still taking advantage of the useful calendar provided by Dato.

Useful and highly customizable menu bar calendar

To get a better idea of ​​what the calendar looks like, check out the screenshots. It comes with dark and light themes that sync with the system theme, and you can customize almost everything about it.

For example, applications can display the current time in multiple formats, as well as hide or display the date and week number in drop-down menus or menu bars.

World time and upcoming events

Given that it includes a calendar, you’d expect Dato to help you manage your events as well. Thankfully, it can. Upcoming events appear below the calendar, and you can simply double-tap a date to open it in the default calendar application.

What’s more, Dato also provides an easy way to check the time in other different locations. You can add multiple time zones and they will all appear right below the event reminder.

This app is a perfect example of a feature that should not be missing from any operating system as it is very useful and very easy to implement. Dato makes it easier to check dates and upcoming events, and it provides many other useful features as well.


Download: Dato 3.3.1 (Mac) – Download Free 2021 Last Version

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