Download Download AxCrypt2Go Portable 1.7.3233 Alpha Free

Download Download AxCrypt2Go Portable 1.7.3233 Alpha Free

Download Free Download AxCrypt2Go Portable 1.7.3233 Alpha

File security is always a major concern, especially if selected files do not need to leave closed personal circles. in this regard, AxCrypt2Go Portable Provides a way to encrypt almost anything on your computer with secure passwords and additional keys, all in an Explorer-like environment.

Advantages of Portable Apps

As the name clearly indicates, this issue AxCrypt2Go Doesn’t take you through the entire work of installing apps, so you can encrypt files on other computers directly from your thumb drive. Also, the registry remains unchanged, so you don’t have to worry about damaging the target PC.

The entire encryption process may take some time, but only because it takes time to reach the target file or folder. The main window is a file management platform, in the side panel there is a tree list of all folders, all files are displayed in the rest of the space when the source is selected.

Explorer and encryption options

View options can be adjusted to make navigation closer to what you’re used to. For example, a list of files can be displayed as small or large icons, lists or details, with column headers for name, size, type, date modified, and properties. Icons can be arranged according to these headings for a more comfortable effect.

Last but not least, we get into the encryption process. It can only be triggered via the context menu, which also provides access to default functions. Select Encryption requires a password and confirmation, as well as an additional field for the key for added security. Decryption is triggered in the same way.

However, you will need to delete the original file, or keep it in a safe place, as it will not be deleted when encrypted. Decryption requires a new save location, but only then can you overwrite any existing files.

last few words

All in all, AxCrypt2Go Portable is a clever combination of a file browser with extended possibilities for encrypting files and folders. Multiple instances can be launched at once for better management. The encryption component is basic, but it’s enough to make it hard for anyone trying to snoop where they shouldn’t.

Download: Download AxCrypt2Go Portable 1.7.3233 Alpha Latest Version 2022 Free

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