Download Download SpeechPulse for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7/ Mac

Download Download SpeechPulse for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7/ Mac

Download Free Download SpeechPulse for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7/ Mac

About SpeechPulse

SpeechPulse is a voice recognition application for Windows 10/11 PCs and Apple silicon Macs. Unlike most other speech recognition apps, it runs completely offline with Whisper AI models.

It supports two operating modes: live mode and file mode.

In live mode, SpeechPulse uses your computer’s microphone to record your voice and convert it to text In reality. It can type into any desktop or web application, including text editors and browsers.

In file mode, SpeechPulse can transcribe audio and video files to generate text transcriptions. It can also generate SRT and VTT subtitles for your audio/video files with accurate timestamps.

The application supports speech recognition in 100 languages. All popular languages ​​including English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Chinese and Russian are supported.

The SpeechPulse Windows version can also use NVIDIA GPUs for faster transcription. The MacOS version also uses the GPU on Apple silicon Macs to speed up the transcription process.

It supports both automatic punctuation and manual punctuation. With automatic punctuation, it automatically adds punctuation including commas, periods, question marks and exclamation points. With manual punctuation, you can literally dictate punctuation for ultimate control.

You can also control SpeechPulse with voice commands. For example, you can say “Go to sleep” to put the application to sleep and “Wake up” to wake up from sleep. You can also say “New line” to add a line break and “New paragraph” to start a new paragraph.

It also supports customizable keyboard shortcuts. You can, for example, switch the microphone on/off or put the application to sleep using hotkeys.

It has two voice input modes. With automatic voice input, it detects and transcribes your voice automatically. With push-to-talk mode, you can press a key to trigger the recognition.

SpeechPulse also supports replace the generated text using the Custom Mappings feature. For example, you can correct the spelling and capitalization of the text output by using custom mappings. Custom Mappings also support regular expressions for wildcard substitutions.

Thanks to Whisper AI models, SpeechPulse’s latest version can accurately recognize non-native accents. It is also resistant to moderate levels of background noise.

If you are in a noisy environment, you can create a voice profile on the application to filter out noisy sound. Speech profiles can significantly reduce random text generation problems, making it possible to use SpeechPulse in a noisy environment.

The audio recorder also comes with a built-in text editor. You can open the editor using a hotkey or with the voice command “Open editor”. SpeechPulse editor also supports text formatting using voice commands.


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Technical details

Latest version: 3.5.3
Final Released: 20/03/2024
Permission: Try
Publisher: BY BEAM
Operating systems: Windows 10 (version 1809 or later), Windows 11, macOS (Apple silicon), macOS 13+
System type: 64-bit
Language: English (US)
Setup file: speechpulse_setup_win64.exe
File size: 462.37 MB
Uploaded: Publisher

Download: Download SpeechPulse for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7/ Mac Free Latest Version 2024

Technical Specifications

Title: Download SpeechPulse for Windows 11, 10, 8, 7/ Mac
Requirements: Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 PC.
Language: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Arabic, and more
License: Free
Updated: 2024
Author: Official Author Website

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