Download Download SQLite GUI 1.5.1 Free

Download Free Download SQLite GUI 1.5.1

This compact and minimalist Windows GUI for SQLite will enable users to perform various database operations and procedures

New features of SQLite GUI 1.5.1:

  • Pop-up menus in the history and user query dialogs
  • .Clear and .last N commands in the terminal
  • Improved chart: export as .png, scroll bar chart, close/open line in drawing, support date in drawing.
  • Update SQLite multiple passwords

Read the full change log

The use of the database environment may sometimes require some operations and procedures, and these operations and procedures may be beyond the scope of the initial necessary tasks. This means that in order to achieve a specific operation, users may need to dig deeper than required, and therefore adopt more advanced techniques. In order to provide solutions to such obstacles, SQLite GUI

Users will be provided with a simple and effective tool to perform some of the most common operations required in such a database environment.

Compact and portable deployment, which makes the app ideal for those who like to work “just in time”

The application is distributed in a portable bag, which can be a big advantage, especially if you are used to working on flash drives or other portable storage media devices.

In addition, in addition to being portable, the application requires very few resources to run, which means it will not interfere with your other processes or open the application in other ways. However, this largely depends on the configuration of your PC.

A neat interface makes the workflow more effective, plus simple and clear commands

The application has a simple and clean layout, divided into three main parts. This is a good method because it can prevent users from getting confused about too many details, and it can give users a good understanding of the loaded data and corresponding information.

The menus and on-screen controls have dedicated functions for processing queries, and users will be able to perform other operations, such as import and export, through all the simple tools in the centralized platform.

The basic but powerful SQLite editor will help those looking for a more complex DBMS for a simplified version of this type of database environment

Not too complicated, not too simplified SQLite The editor will allow you to perform some of the most common operations required when working with databases in SQLite format.

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SQLite database SQLite DBMS database GUI SQLite GUI DBMS syntax


Download: Download SQLite GUI 1.5.1 Free 2021 Last Version

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