Download FrameDesign 5177 APK Download Free

Download FrameDesign 5177 APK Download Free

Download Free FrameDesign 5177 APK Download

As a frame designer application, FrameDesign is a useful tool for civil and mechanical engineers, architects, and anyone who needs to create and analyze complex structures. The app provides clear and concise instructions on how to use it right from the start, which is helpful for first-time users.

The main window of the application comes with a default design which can be customized by adding, dragging and dropping different elements. The toolbox area at the top of the screen provides the user with a range of elements to choose from such as struts, hinges, check points, text, nodes, rollers, springs, force points, thermal loads, load cases and combinations, elongation, and distributed forces and moments.

The app is responsive and users can easily add and connect different elements to create the structure they need. Results shortcuts in the toolbox provide a real-time view of internal forces, deformations and stresses in the structure, allowing the user to analyze the design and make necessary adjustments as the process progresses.

In addition to its design capabilities, FrameDesign offers useful analysis tools such as zooming, measuring and inspecting surface features. These features enable the user to obtain a detailed view of the structure and analyze it from different angles. The app’s export feature allows users to export their projects from the settings window.

FrameDesign offers a range of customization options, such as adjusting UI visibility elements, precision values, units, and more. With these options, users can modify the application to meet their unique needs.

Overall, it is a powerful and comprehensive application that provides users with a range of tools to create and analyze complex structures. Anyone working in the engineering industry will find this tool useful as it is user-friendly, responsive and offers many customization options.


  • Design and analyze structures
  • For Civil and Mechanical Engineers
  • Struts, Hinges, Checkpoints, Nodes and Rollers
  • Points of Force, Thermal Loads, Load Cases and Combinations

Download: FrameDesign 5177 APK Download Latest Version 2023 Free

Technical Specifications

Title: FrameDesign 5177 APK Download
Requirements: Windows 11 / 10 / 8 / 7 PC.

English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Arabic, and more
License: Free
Updated: 2023
Author: Official Author Website

Download tags: #FrameDesign #APK #Download

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