Download Mellel 5.0.9 (Mac) – Download Free

Download Free Mellel 5.0.9 (Mac) – Download

Keeping complex documents organized is not an easy task, especially when you need to include various tables, lists, images, footnotes, references, etc. Merrell is a powerful word processor with an outline tool designed to help you manage your documents in an efficient manner.

Classic text editing tools and outline tools for easy document navigation

To help you get started, Mellel provides a collection of document templates organized by type: Default (Portrait, Landscape, Letter or Letter Landscape with white/blue/yellow background), Letter, Envelope, Resume, Form, Newsletter, Certificate, etc. Just choose a document type and start editing.

Mellel includes all the classic text editing tools, and its interface is organized in a way that will be familiar to anyone who has used a text processor before. However, to avoid cluttering its main window, Mellel provides property and style customization options in separate panels.

If you’re working on a large document, enabling the Outline panel can prove to be very beneficial: here you can see the structure of your project and quickly jump to specific areas.

Advanced tools for writing and wrapping text around images

Mellel enables you to attach footnotes and endnotes, add reference notes anywhere you like, including titles and headings or manage document bibliography, citations used, and more.

Other useful features include the possibility to create a table of contents and count the elements contained in a project in a very organized way. You can specify exactly what should be calculated: text, images, citations, tables, footnotes, etc.

Of course, Mellel offers you the possibility to include images and graphics into your projects, but that doesn’t mean the document flow is interrupted: you can wrap text around them and make everything look very natural.

A full-featured Mac word processor for highly documented projects

In addition, the Mellel application can be successfully used for small documents, and the predefined templates will further simplify your work.

However, if you need to manage large documents with large bibliographies containing multiple references, citations, footnotes, etc., Mellel’s advanced features are useful.


Download: Mellel 5.0.9 (Mac) – Download Free 2021 Last Version

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