How to Beat Bahamut – Tips and Guides for Bosses – Final Fantasy 7 Remake Wiki Guide

How to unlock yourBahamut Boss Fight((Edit)

Defeat all virtual reality fights and fight the Intel reports that Chadley sends you. Most of these can be removed naturally just by playing, but some require a little work.

If you fight with him Offset effect Part 3You should know that you can increase the percentage of amazement of an opponent by hitting him with Tifa's uppercut attacks.

If you're having trouble mastering the 12 types of magic things, you may not even have them all. Fortunately, you can buy them all. 11 of them are in vending machines, and the last one, Aero, can be purchased from Chadley.

Tips: before fighting Bahamut((Edit)

Not being prepared is a surefire way to get hit. Here's how to prepare:

  • Make sure your Party is maximum in level 50.
  • Improve you weapons as much as you can.
  • Have a a heap of maximized material. Specifically, you'll need healing, some form of magic (fire was our preference), and a handful of stat-improving materials, such as HP Up, Magic Up, MP Up, and some Luck Ups wouldn't do any damage either.
  • Ideally, you should have each of your characters at 7000 HP or more before you try to give Bahamut a boost for its money, then keep cultivating your HP Ups until you can find a material setting that allows you to do so.

How to quickly level up HP and MP Up Matter

If you miss HP or MP Ups, go to an ATM and buy a pair. They will start at level one, but here is a little trick to level up quickly.

  • Equip Barret with Big Bertha and wait for it to do big damage with its basic attacks.
  • Now load it with all the things you want to upgrade quickly.
  • Also charge Cloud with first strike material, max fire material, and pair it with Magnify so it can cast a great AOE Firaga spell.
  • Then go to the Shinra combat simulator in Chapter 17 and take Cloud and Barret to the mission "Team of two against Flyers".
  • If your cloud is strong enough, you should be able to finish the first fight of this mission with a single triple bar, earning a fast 48AP.
  • The remaining fights can be eliminated almost as easily with a combination of the powerful basic attacks and abilities of Firaga and Barret like Ultimate Fury.
  • The last fight is tough against a magic reflecting drake, but you can give up, try again, and you will always keep all the AP you have until that point.
  • However, you will lose 400 gil on each attempt, so be sure to save the additional change if you decide to do so.

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For reference, here is our party:

Armed Hard edge
Armor Chain bracelet
Accessory Whistlewind scarf
  • HP above (level 2)
  • Automatic hardening (lvl 2)
  • First move (level 3)
  • Renaissance (lvl 2)
  • HP above (level 2)
  • HP above (level 2)
  • Provoke (level 3)
  • Lightning (level 3)
HP 7953
MP 82
Armed Metal joints
Armor Supreme Bracers
Accessory Champion's Belt
  • Healing (level 3)
  • HP above (level 2)
  • Firm block (level 3)
  • Barrier (level 2)
  • HP Up (level 3)
  • ATB Boost (level 5)
  • HP above (level 1)
  • Chance (level 3)
  • Chance (level 3)
HP 7375
MP 72
Armed Mithril wand
Armor Cog bangle
Accessory Ring
  • Fire (level 3)
  • HP Up (level 3)
  • Healing (lvl 5) +
  • Develop (level 3)
  • Magic above (level 3)
  • MP above (level 3)
  • HP Up (level 3)
  • HP Up (level 3)
HP 7709
MP 139

Please note that this holiday is not as streamlined as it could be, But their even more than enough to get through this fight. One thing you may want to consider

East Also put healing material in the cloud and Tifa, in case Aerith is caught without ATB and needs immediate treatment.

Be careful though, as this fight is really a DPS (damage per second), so you have to make sure you don't get caught by spending a ton of ATB just to stay alive.

Tips: How to beat Bahamut((Edit)

For the fight itself, we went with Cloud, Tifa and Aerith, with Cloud and Tifa focused on basic attack damage, and Aerith is our only attacker and magic healer. So the general strategy that you want to follow is always Cloud and Tifa are constantly pressing, while Aerith stays behind and uses basic attacks to fill his ATB mainly for healing.

Which size would you like be careful when Bahamut starts charging and count from 5. As soon as it does, you will want to do as much damage to it as possible to try to put it under pressure, interrupting its charge. Hit it with a Firaga as fast as possible, then go to Cloud and Tifa and hit it with a focused hit or focused push, which will add a significant amount of spread damage.

If Bahamut can finish his countdown, he will use Megaflare and the game will be over for you.

As for his other attacksyou will generally want block instead of trying to evade. They have huge boxes for visitors and very tight time windows, so it's best to try to mitigate the damage. Note that As the fight progresses, it becomes more and more relentless, so be prepared to continue blocking after making an attack, as it will likely follow it with two or three others before giving you a chance to ;enter.

As the fight progresses, it will also use a movement called Will have threshold, which creates a huge energy field around Bahamut which will cause significant damage over time. Unfortunately, there is little you can do. You have to take the damage and keep attacking, so it's especially important to get into this fight with lots of HP.

Hopefully, by the time the fight starts to get a little dangerous, you should have access to your summons and limits, which will be extremely useful for doing the last damage you need to defeat Bahamut, or at least offset it. Once he is offbeatuse Tifa's Unbridled Force to intensify its powerful attacks, which not only will deal big damage, but will also increase the percentage of oscillation of the boss, which makes subsequent attacks much stronger.

If you clean yourself before you can take it down, don't worry! Before you jump again, think about what didn't work. Were your characters shot too easily? You run out of MP too quickly? Find your problems and fill them by equipping different subjects. Or if you need to upgrade some of your stuff, hit the combat simulator and use the strategy described above to cultivate some AP. In any case, go ahead and finally the invocation of Bahamut will be yours!

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