London and Paris show big contrast in wearing face masks as commuters return to work

The people of London and Paris are gradually returning to work, with a huge disparity in the use of protective masks between the two capitals.

In the past 24 hours, travelers traveling on public transportation to both locations have grown only marginally; The London Underground network reports that there has been a 10% increase in the number of passengers during rush hour.

However, it is far from being similar to the experience of the pre-pandemic: there are now soap dispensers at all stations and local government agencies. Transport in London he asks everyone to wear masks, even if it is not a legal obligation. It is estimated that less than 10% of London travelers use them.

The relative lack of use of protective equipment in the London transport system is well below the level of Paris, where the use of masks is mandatory and almost universal. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in a fine of € 135.

A letter of authorization from the traveller's employer is also required explaining why they are on the transportation network during rush hour. This is part of an attempt by the authorities to keep the figures at 15% of normal capacity.

In the French capital, the figures are still very low in most transport routes despite further adjustments in closing conditions, with cars on the metro, for example, less than a quarter in the central areas.

Cars also have stickers on the ground, urging people to maintain a social distance and show them how far they should be.

However, according to current information, the networks serving the outskirts of the suburbs are experiencing continuous congestion both in cars and on platforms.


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