La vigilancia de tornado está vigente hasta las 4 a.m.

HOUSTON – Un frente está brindando la posibilidad de un clima severo a última hora de la noche hasta el sábado por la mañana. Aquí está lo que necesitas saber.

9:25 p.m. Actualizar

Alerta de tornado emitida a las 4 a.m. para el sureste de Texas.

Alerta de tornado emitida hasta las 4 a.m. para el sureste de Texas.
Alerta de tornado emitida hasta las 4 a.m. para el sureste de Texas.

¿Cuándo golpeará?

Tormentas aisladas se están moviendo a través del área pero nada severo durante las próximas horas. Existe una amenaza más generalizada de tormentas severas a última hora de la noche cuando una línea de tormentas se traslada a nuestros condados occidentales entre las 9 y 11 p.m., el condado de Harris entre las 11 p.m. y las 1 a.m. y la costa entre la 1 y 2 a.m. La línea de tormentas se moverá de 25 a 30 mph, por lo que cuando llegue a su vecindario, déle media hora más o menos para avanzar. Tenga una manera de recibir alertas meteorológicas esta noche y temprano el sábado por la mañana.

Línea de tormenta 10PM
Línea de tormenta 10PM
Línea de tormenta 12AM
Línea de tormenta 12AM

Que puedes esperar

Las tormentas fuertes pueden volverse severas. El "riesgo mejorado" (condados sombreados en naranja) para el clima severo está empujando más al sur y ahora incluye todos los condados de Fort Bend, Galveston y Chambers. Hay una probabilidad del 30% en esta área de que las tormentas puedan producir granizo grande, vientos dañinos e incluso tornados aislados. El condado de Matagorda y partes de los condados de Brazoria y Wharton están bajo un "riesgo leve" (condados sombreados en amarillo) por clima severo, lo que significa que hay un 15% de probabilidad de que las tormentas produzcan clima severo.

Tiempo de tormenta
Tiempo de tormenta

Se esperan fuertes aguaceros con 1 a 2 pulgadas de lluvia posible, las inundaciones repentinas no son una gran preocupación porque la línea se moverá muy rápido. La mayor preocupación es la amenaza de granizo, vientos dañinos y tornados aislados.

Detalles de amenazas
Detalles de amenazas

¿Cómo te puedes preparar?

Mira el pronóstico. La línea de tiempo específica para las tormentas sigue cambiando y podría acelerar nuevamente. A partir de ahora, la amenaza es una amenaza nocturna y nocturna. Es importante descargar la aplicación Free Weather de Frank en un dispositivo móvil para que pueda recibir advertencias durante la noche. Si se emite una advertencia de tornado durante la noche, es importante poder recibir esa alerta y trasladarse a un lugar seguro. Durante una advertencia de tornado, el lugar más seguro es una pequeña habitación interior en el medio de una casa. Es importante mantenerse alejado de las ventanas. También es una gran idea quitar cualquier decoración navideña que aún pueda estar arriba. Con fuertes ráfagas de viento posibles, las decoraciones podrían reubicarse fácilmente en el patio de un vecino.

Copyright 2020 por KPRC Click2Houston – Todos los derechos reservados.

¡Gran área de Houston bajo vigilancia de tornado hasta las 4 am! Las tormentas se cierran en las próximas horas. ¡Únase a KPRC2 Justin Stapleton y KPRC2 Frank Billingsley con una actualización de radar EN VIVO!

publicado por KPRC2 / Click2Houston el viernes 10 de enero de 2020

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roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. 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IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issued ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeastern Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remain s in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Brazos","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazos County","Id":"43021667234875-48041","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48041","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Brazos","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Brazos County","Id":"43021666357576-48041","Source":"VTEC"}),"Burleson":({"CountyFips":"48051","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:25:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:04:15:00","Headline":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","Bulletin":"TXC015-041-051-185-313-473-477-110415-n/O.NEW.KHGX.SV.W.0001.200111T0325Z-200111T0415Z/nnBULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issued ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeastern Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAR EDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Burleson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Burleson County","Id":"43021667234875-48051","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48051","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasn nIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, Le ague City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Burleson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Burleson County","Id":"43021666357576-48051","Source":"VTEC"}),"Chambers":({"CountyFips":"48071","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch inclu des 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madison ville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Chambers","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Chambers County","Id":"43021666357576-48071","Source":"VTEC"}),"Colorado":({"CountyFips":"48089","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson n nIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMon t Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Colorado","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Colorado County","Id":"43021666357576-48089","Source":"VTEC"}),"Fort Bend":({"CountyFips":"48157","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Fort Bend","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Fort Bend County","Id":"43021666357576-48157","Source":"VTEC"}),"Galveston":({"CountyFips":"48167","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin B razoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Pra irie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Galveston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Galveston County","Id":"43021666357576-48167","Source":"VTEC"}),"Grimes":({"CountyFips":"48185","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:25:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:04:15:00","Headline":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","Bulletin":"TXC015-041-051-185-313-473-477-110415-n/O.NEW.KHGX.SV.W.0001.200111T0325Z-200111T0415Z/nnBULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issued ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeastern Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned are a. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Grimes","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Grimes County","Id":"43021667234875-48185","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48185","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Grimes","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Grimes County","Id":"43021666357576-48185","Source":"VTEC"}),"Harris":({"CountyFips":"48201","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 coun tynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mis sion Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Harris","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Harris County","Id":"43021666357576-48201","Source":"VTEC"}),"Houston":({"CountyFips":"48225","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast T exas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Nava sota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Houston","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Houston County","Id":"43021666357576-48225","Source":"VTEC"}),"Jackson":({"CountyFips":"48239","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAust in Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Jackson","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Jackson County","Id":"43021666357576-48239","Source":"VTEC"}),"Liberty":({"CountyFips":"48291","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Braz os nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sea ly, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Liberty","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Liberty County","Id":"43021666357576-48291","Source":"VTEC"}),"Madison":({"CountyFips":"48313","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:25:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:04:15:00","Headline":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","Bulletin":"TXC015-041-051-185-313-473-477-110415-n/O.NEW.KHGX.SV.W.0001.200111T0325Z-200111T0415Z/nnBULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issued ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeaster n Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Madison","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Madison County","Id":"43021667234875-48313","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48313","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnn In south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, Leag ue City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Madison","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Madison County","Id":"43021666357576-48313","Source":"VTEC"}),"Matagorda":({"CountyFips":"48321","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonvil le, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Matagorda","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Matagorda County","Id":"43021666357576-48321","Source":"VTEC"}),"Montgomery":({"CountyFips":"48339","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson n nIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMo nt Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Montgomery","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Montgomery County","Id":"43021666357576-48339","Source":"VTEC"}),"Polk":({"CountyFips":"48373","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Polk","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Polk County","Id":"43021666357576-48373","Source":"VTEC"}),"San Jacinto":({"CountyFips":"48407","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie Vie w, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"San Jacinto","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"San Jacinto County","Id":"43021666357576-48407","Source":"VTEC"}),"Trinity":({"CountyFips":"48455","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos n Burleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSom erville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Trinity","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Trinity County","Id":"43021666357576-48455","Source":"VTEC"}),"Walker":({"CountyFips":"48471","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers C olorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Walker","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Walker County","Id":"43021666357576-48471","Source":"VTEC"}),"Waller":({"CountyFips":"48473","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:25:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:04:15:00","Headline":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","Bulletin":"TXC015-041-051-185-313-473-477-110415-n/O.NEW.KHGX.SV.W.0001.200111T0325Z-200111T0415Z/nnBULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issued ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeastern Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Waller","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Waller County","Id":"43021667234875-48473","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48473","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Waller","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Waller County","Id":"43021666357576-48473","Source":"VTEC"}),"Washington":({"CountyFips":"48477","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:25:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:04:15:00","Headline":"Severe Thunderstorm Warning","Bulletin":"TXC015-041-051-185-313-473-477-110415-n/O.NEW.KHGX.SV.W.0001.200111T0325Z-200111T0415Z/nnBULLETIN - IMMEDIATE BROADCAST REQUESTEDnSevere Thunderstorm WarningnNational Weather Service Houston/Galveston TXn925 PM CST Fri Jan 10 2020nnThe National Weather Service in League City has issue d ann* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...n Northwestern Austin County in southeastern Texas...n Burleson County in southeastern Texas...n Western Grimes County in southeastern Texas...n Washington County in southeastern Texas...n Brazos County in southeastern Texas...n Western Madison County in southeastern Texas...n Northwestern Waller County in southeastern Texas...nn* Until 1015 PM CST.nn* At 924 PM CST, severe thunderstorms were located along a linen extending from 8 miles east of Rockdale to near Muldoon, movingn northeast at 55 mph.nn HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts.nn SOURCE...Radar indicated.nn IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees.nn* Locations impacted include...n College Station, Bryan, Brenham, Navasota, Caldwell, Washington,n Shelby, Somerville, Snook, Kurten, Burton, Wixon Valley, Millican,n Lake Somerville Dam, Kyle Field, Lake Somerville State Park &n Trailway, Iola, Carmine, Lyons and North Zulch.nnPRECAUTIONARY/PREP AREDNESS ACTIONS...nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect until 400 AM CST for southeasternnTexas.nnA Tornado Watch remains in effect for the warned area. Tornadoes canndevelop quickly from severe thunderstorms. Although a tornado is notnimmediately likely, if one is spotted, act quickly and move to anplace of safety inside a sturdy structure such as a basement or smallninterior room.nnFor your protection move to an interior room on the lowest floor of anbuilding.nnIf on or near Lake Somerville, get away from the water and move nindoors or inside a vehicle. Remember, lightning can strike out to n15 miles from the parent thunderstorm. If you can hear thunder, you nare close enough to be struck by lightning. Move to safe shelter nnow! Do not be caught on the water in a thunderstorm.nn&&nnLAT...LON 3056 9696 3073 9662 3070 9656 3074 9646n 3091 9635 3105 9607 3017 9601 3000 9659n 3015 9665 3016 9679 3020 9674 3024 9673n 3030 9664 3032 9674 3039 9679 3047 9691n 3054 9692 3056 9695nTIME...MOT...LOC 0324Z 241DEG 47KT 3068 9687 2981 9701 nnHAIL...<.75INnWIND...60MPHn n$$n","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Washington","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Washington County","Id":"43021667234875-48477","Source":"VTEC"},{"CountyFips":"48477","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following are asnnIn south central Texas this watch includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson , League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Washington","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Washington County","Id":"43021666357576-48477","Source":"VTEC"}),"Wharton":({"CountyFips":"48481","StateAbbr":"TX","Type":"Tornado Watch","StartTime":"20:01:11:03:09:00","EndTime":"20:01:11:10:00:00","Headline":"Tornado Watch","Bulletin":"TXC015-039-041-051-071-089-157-167-185-201-225-239-291-313-321-n339-373-407-455-471-473-477-481-111000-n/O.NEW.KHGX.TO.A.0006.200111T0309Z-200111T1000Z/nnThe National Weather Service has issued Tornado Watch 6 in effectnuntil 4 AM CST Saturday for the following areasnnIn south central Texas this watc h includes 1 countynnJackson nnIn southeast Texas this watch includes 22 countiesnnAustin Brazoria Brazos nBurleson Chambers Colorado nFort Bend Galveston Grimes nHarris Houston Liberty nMadison Matagorda Montgomery nPolk San Jacinto Trinity nWalker Waller Washington nWharton nnThis includes the cities of Alvin, Anahuac, Angleton, Bay City, nBellville, Brenham, Brookshire, Bryan, Caldwell, Cleveland, nClute, Coldspring, College Station, Columbus, Conroe, Corrigan, nCrockett, Dayton, Dickinson, Eagle Lake, Edna, El Campo, nFirst Colony, Freeport, Friendswood, Galveston, Ganado, Groveton,nHempstead, Houston, Huntsville, Lake Jackson, League City, nLiberty, Livingston, Madisonville, Mission Bend, Missouri City, nMont Belvieu, Navasota, Old River-Winfree, Palacios, Pearland, nPecan Grove, Prairie View, Rosenberg, Sealy, Shepherd, nSomerville, Stowell, Sugar Land, Texas City, The Woodlands, nTrinity, Waller, Weimar, Wharton, and Winnie.nn$$nn","Url":"","Category":"","Urgency":"","Severity":"","Certainty":"","GeographicName":"Wharton","StateName":"Texas","CountyName":"Wharton County","Id":"43021666357576-48481","Source":"VTEC"})},"text":"Weather Alert: 7 warnings and 23 watches in effect for 23 counties in the 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