Why 2021 might be the best year to start a business

Now that 2020 has encouraged us to come to terms with the fact that so much is beyond our control, we can see more clearly what has worked in the world and what has not. We also have more time to focus our energies on the areas of our life that are under our control.

I launched my company, Ohwabisabi Media, in the midst of the pandemic, to promote the media through the voices of conscientious leaders who should be heard in these difficult and unprecedented times. At times like these, a new wave emerges, not only in the way business is conducted, but also in leadership.

During the recession of 1957 to 1958, the first Hyatt hotel opened.

MicrosoHeaven32 was founded during the 1973-1975 oil embargo recession.

The Great Recession of 2007-2009 resulted in the creation of several startups such as Uber and the popular Airbnb vacation market.

If you are wondering if this is the best time to start a business, or if you have already started to venture into entrepreneurship, but are questioning your decision, there are three reasons why you should trust. at your instincts and do your best.

Connected: Why is now the best time to start a business?

Consumption of online content is higher than ever, making it a great time to start a business.

The growing problems facing consumers mean they are looking for more solutions than ever before. Now, it has become easier and more accessible for ordinary people to start businesses such as e-commerce, virtual assistant work, coaching, or freelance work as a writer, designer or developer.

E-commerce has ended by almost 40% as a result of Covid-19.

When you think about how your own consumption and buying behavior has changed in recent years, it’s easier to spot trends in the consumer and business world.

If you can think of solutions that you wanted that are not currently being met, others may be looking for the same solutions.

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Taking more time to reflect has helped us discover our unique gifts and strengths.

As we started to spend more time in our homes, we got more time to do what we love. For many of us that means cooking, writing, speaking, and creating in a way that is unique to our own genius.

Too often we doubt ourselves and what we can do to the point where it prevents us from taking the next step towards our highest desires. We believe that our gifts are not unique gifts. We believe our talents are easy on everyone when in fact they are incredibly talented.

While some people have mastered their talents or can learn them quickly, they don’t necessarily appreciate it. When you enjoy it, your passion and energy shines through in your work. Work becomes easy and enjoyable when you live according to the desires of your soul and heart.

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A recession can increase the available workforce

The pandemic has forced millions of people to quit their jobs. If these people don’t decide to start their own business, they will try to join those who do and use their experience and knowledge where they are most valued.

We not only help those who need financial help in tough times, but we connect those same people with missions and new business ideas that truly change their lives.

Meanwhile, if you have any doubts about starting a business, find out why it works rather than why it doesn’t, because what we’re focused on is growth.

The online business world is the new normal, and many successful executives, businesses and corporations are creating in times of turmoil.

This article was originally written by Kelly Wing Entrepreneurial Magazine.

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