Download SEO Essentials For Web Designers

Download SEO Essentials For Web Designers

Download Free SEO Essentials For Web Designers

Let’s talk about the connection between design and promotion, optimization as part of the development process, and factors in the ranking of websites by search engines. We will also discuss some common mistakes.
What is SEO-friendly and responsive design, and how to build an effective website? What is SEO web design, and what are the features of its development? The best tips are especially for you.

Why does a website need a proper design?

First, good SEO website design doesn’t just involve shadows and pretty colors. It is primarily practical – a user quickly finds the information he needs. He doesn’t have to make an effort for this as in the maths test. It allows you to get feedback from the consumer and identify growth points. Getting backlinks is also important to tell users more about your business. So choose dofollow backlinks and buy here.

What you should check first

Depending on the initial data of the project, an individual approach is most often used, which forms their strategy for designing SEO promotion.
There is a base of specific elements and technical indicators on the site, which should be taken into account during the design. That is, by implementing certain things, the designer can do something useful to rank the site by search engines.


How is all information about the company and services/products distributed on the pages of the website? Is it convenient to navigate sections to find out exactly what the user came to the site for hiding?
In development, the structure of the site should determine the level of the pages that nest under their importance to each other.
Separately, we should take into account the technical implementation of the nesting formation. Ideally, the URLs of the pages should closely follow the hierarchy of the navigation chain. But unfortunately, when all the website’s internal pages have the same level of nesting – not the best option.


The basic element of the navigation is a menu. It visually reflects the site’s structure and helps users move quickly between sections. Therefore, it should be accessible from all sides and contain links to all main sections.
In addition to the menu, the navigation can include elements such as “breadcrumbs”, filters and sorting products, blocks with links to similar materials or products, etc. Everything that helps the user quickly get the information they need.


Content is the foundation of search engine marketing; Determining the optimal quantity and variety of landing pages is difficult. Speeding up your pages requires the analytics discussed above. Additionally, use automatic backlink software.


To begin with, the headings on the pages should be. There are many rules:
1. One H1 main heading per page. With the main phrase or word that describes the essence.
2. You must respect the hierarchy of headings. For example, never place H1 under heading H2.
3. Titles apply to content. Cross-sectional elements on the site should be styled through CSS styles, but not through H-headings.
4. You also need to think about graphics and photos, to make your pages more interesting for potential customers, use to make photos creative and original.
5. In general, regarding page layout, the same rules are given in laws on typography. But experience shows that the technical implementation stage is not always possible for one reason or another.

Page architecture

We are talking about the compositional arrangement of the main elements on each page. Depending on the goals, it is necessary to determine the priority of each component and set the accents.

Page loading speed

This technical indicator is increasingly important to search engines and directly affects the site’s position. Therefore, it is already possible to call it an independent ranking factor.
The main principle: you must implement the visual and functional elements of the website so that they have the least possible load. For the user, it is crucial for the website’s first impression, and a long load can significantly undermine it – optimal page load time – is no more than two seconds.

Mobile/customized version of the website

After Google 2018 introduced mobile-first indexing, which gives preference to the mobile version of the site, the question of the feasibility of an adaptive version of it fell by itself. This innovation did not appear from nowhere. Search engines did not impose it of anything to do. Two years ago, 50% of the public in some countries used the Internet via mobile phones. Thus, the site should be equally good at solving the problems of desktop and mobile users, i.e. all the above implemented elements with a focus on users of different devices.

What else is related to SEO and design

Search algorithms are getting better because of machine learning. So now the website must not only be relevant for search – it must match the user experience and UX. That is, trust that the user experience is understandable and valuable to him. User experience is many calculations, their complexity, which affects the length of a click, the speed of scrolling and other parameters of user interaction with the site. To make these metrics positive, you need to design websites that are comfortable for the user.

Often, SEO for web developers is linear, with the homepage positioned as the first step. Internal pages initiate a significant portion of organic traffic. SEO allows you to assess the real scenarios of user interaction with the website, which positively affects the behavioral performance of the project. It will have a beneficial effect on further promotion.

A UX expert is rarely involved in the redesign of a website. In such a situation, a competent SEO expert is probably the only expert who can help you design an effective website. He owns the data about the competitors’ real solutions because the pages at the top, of the highest quality, meet the user’s needs. So today SEO is more about UX, i.e. how to make a website attractive to users and build the information architecture rather than just about the right tags.


Using design is an effective marketing tool. However, the design should be based on the needs of the user and the requirements of the primary traffic source – search engines. Collaboration between designers and SEO specialists should be complementary at every stage of development from the beginning.

This post was last updated: 2 August 2022

Download: SEO Essentials For Web Designers Free Latest Version 2022

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